Merry Christmas, everyone!
During this time of year, Candi likes to share me with others. We're going to take a couple of weeks off and spend time with family and friends. We will also be using the short break to "revamp" a few things and are looking forward to sharing with you again after the first of the year.
Shhh....I'm not supposed to tell, but look for a new blog after the New Year! It's a secret, so don't tell anyone!
I hope you have a very Merry Canine Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hugs and doggie kisses,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Even Canines Show More Respect
My human is NOT a fan of most of the things coming out of Hollywood these days. Their "we know more than you" attitude when it comes to programming really irritates her. But every once in a while, they go completely beyond the pale and we have to ask everyone again to STOP supporting Hollywood by NOT watching what they produce. Hawaii Five-O is one program that no true patriot should ever watch again in our opinion.
It seems that a group of 23 WWII Pear Harbor survivors had arrived on the island of Oahu for their final major gathering to honor fallen comrades. Unfortunately for these brave men, the entire crew of Hawaii Five-O did not feel that they deserved the time for their ceremony. Candi and I find this disgraceful!
What has America come to if we can't show respect to those who fought to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy? The average age of the men visiting The National Cemetary of the Pacific during Pearl Harbor week was 91. They weren't loud, they were friendly to the film crew when asked to move, AND they did not try to interfere with filming. So...if these men could respect what the film crew was doing, why couldn't the film crew stop filming long enough for our National Anthem at the beginning or even stop for Taps and a moment of silence at the end?
Candi is mad like you won't believe. "How dare they disrespect hallowed ground and the men who had returned to bid a final farewell to friends?' she asked. We don't even watch the show, but if we did...I can assure you, we wouldn't anymore. We are sharing the link to the original story with you and are sure that FOXNews will have the story up on their website soon. FOX just heard the story and reported on it this morning.
Also, if you are as upset about this as we are...please write CBS and the producers of the show and let them know how you feel. Our emails have already sent.
It seems that a group of 23 WWII Pear Harbor survivors had arrived on the island of Oahu for their final major gathering to honor fallen comrades. Unfortunately for these brave men, the entire crew of Hawaii Five-O did not feel that they deserved the time for their ceremony. Candi and I find this disgraceful!
What has America come to if we can't show respect to those who fought to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy? The average age of the men visiting The National Cemetary of the Pacific during Pearl Harbor week was 91. They weren't loud, they were friendly to the film crew when asked to move, AND they did not try to interfere with filming. So...if these men could respect what the film crew was doing, why couldn't the film crew stop filming long enough for our National Anthem at the beginning or even stop for Taps and a moment of silence at the end?
Candi is mad like you won't believe. "How dare they disrespect hallowed ground and the men who had returned to bid a final farewell to friends?' she asked. We don't even watch the show, but if we did...I can assure you, we wouldn't anymore. We are sharing the link to the original story with you and are sure that FOXNews will have the story up on their website soon. FOX just heard the story and reported on it this morning.
Also, if you are as upset about this as we are...please write CBS and the producers of the show and let them know how you feel. Our emails have already sent.
Monday, December 12, 2011
My Politically Incorrect Human At Christmas
My human cracks me up sometimes. She is way past the age when you're considered an "adult", yet she refuses to stop believing in Santa Clause, she watches the same clay-mation movies and cartoons every year, and she continues to say the most inappropriate Merry Christmas!
I decided I would share with you some of her politcally incorrect traditions.
1. She promotes bullying by letting Patton and I watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, insists that Frosty the Snowman did NOT melt due to global warming, and says The Little Drummer Boy was indeed an orphan with NO gift for the newborn Christ other than his music. For the record, The Little Drummer Boy was not an orphan due to war.
2. She refuses to replace Christ with "X" in Christmas and she won't say Happy Holidays. She will, however, acknowledge the specific religious beliefs of others by wishing them a Happy Hannukah, Kwanza or Winter Solstice. She doesn't think there is any need to lump all holidays in to one generic term.
3. She proudly contributes to global warming by using non-energy efficient Christmas lights and decorations. AND she uses up gas as she takes friends and family to see Christmas displays in and around Atlanta.
4. She puts out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve for a man who is breaking and entering into her home. Sings traditional Christmas carols and reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and the nativity out of the Bible.
5. She refuses to watch "politically correct" Christmas re-makes of movies that were perfectly fine the first time!
All in all, my human is probably the most politically incorrect person during the holidays than any other person I know. And you know what? I'm glad! She makes it fun and exciting for the rest of us. She shares of herself and takes time to help those less fortunate when she can. She has taught her daughter, myself and Patton that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. So...if you don't want to be offended, don't come to our house. I guarantee that if you mess up her "happiest time of the year" with your bad attitude, your backside will be introduced to the teeth belonging to Patton and I.
I decided I would share with you some of her politcally incorrect traditions.
1. She promotes bullying by letting Patton and I watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, insists that Frosty the Snowman did NOT melt due to global warming, and says The Little Drummer Boy was indeed an orphan with NO gift for the newborn Christ other than his music. For the record, The Little Drummer Boy was not an orphan due to war.
2. She refuses to replace Christ with "X" in Christmas and she won't say Happy Holidays. She will, however, acknowledge the specific religious beliefs of others by wishing them a Happy Hannukah, Kwanza or Winter Solstice. She doesn't think there is any need to lump all holidays in to one generic term.
3. She proudly contributes to global warming by using non-energy efficient Christmas lights and decorations. AND she uses up gas as she takes friends and family to see Christmas displays in and around Atlanta.
4. She puts out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve for a man who is breaking and entering into her home. Sings traditional Christmas carols and reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and the nativity out of the Bible.
5. She refuses to watch "politically correct" Christmas re-makes of movies that were perfectly fine the first time!
All in all, my human is probably the most politically incorrect person during the holidays than any other person I know. And you know what? I'm glad! She makes it fun and exciting for the rest of us. She shares of herself and takes time to help those less fortunate when she can. She has taught her daughter, myself and Patton that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. So...if you don't want to be offended, don't come to our house. I guarantee that if you mess up her "happiest time of the year" with your bad attitude, your backside will be introduced to the teeth belonging to Patton and I.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I Have A New Crush
You may not realize this, but K-9's have very sensitive hearing. That's why certain sounds can sooth us, while other sounds...well, they just send us into fits. One of the great things about my human is her eclectic taste in music. And last night, she introduced us to a new voice. was heaven to my doggie ears.
Candi played for us the soothing sounds of Jack Hoban. After getting a preview of his Christmas tune on, she checked out his other work and she immediately purchased all she could. I have to tell you...the girls in our house were very happy campers after listening to his music. You have to love a human who knows exactly the right thing to play for you at exactly the right time.
You know how you can absolutely love an artist but NOT every song? Well, Jack Hoban is NOT that artist. We loved every single track on each album. Patton and I are giving him "four paws up" each for a total of "eight paws". Don't believe me? Check out his page at or You may want to get up and dance, or you may want to just grab a glass of wine while sitting on the veranda chilling out to his smooth vocals and contemporary blues/jazz melodies. Either way, we're sure you'll be an instant fan after one song.
As a friend of ours says: We have definite "puddin face" when listening to this amazingly talented artist. Take a moment and check him out. Let him know what you think, and/or show your support by purchasing one of his songs.
Candi played for us the soothing sounds of Jack Hoban. After getting a preview of his Christmas tune on, she checked out his other work and she immediately purchased all she could. I have to tell you...the girls in our house were very happy campers after listening to his music. You have to love a human who knows exactly the right thing to play for you at exactly the right time.
You know how you can absolutely love an artist but NOT every song? Well, Jack Hoban is NOT that artist. We loved every single track on each album. Patton and I are giving him "four paws up" each for a total of "eight paws". Don't believe me? Check out his page at or You may want to get up and dance, or you may want to just grab a glass of wine while sitting on the veranda chilling out to his smooth vocals and contemporary blues/jazz melodies. Either way, we're sure you'll be an instant fan after one song.
As a friend of ours says: We have definite "puddin face" when listening to this amazingly talented artist. Take a moment and check him out. Let him know what you think, and/or show your support by purchasing one of his songs.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Joe Merrick Understands Christmas
Let me make this clear. If you don't hold the spirit of Christmas in your heart, you won't understand the song we are about to discuss at all so, you should just stop reading now.
Yesterday while visiting the various websites that Candi belongs to, she stopped in at to see if anyone had posted anything new. Turns out there was a new song. It was Joe Merrick's, Santa Is Alive And Well. We sat and listened. Then we listened again. Finally, after replaying numerous times, we visited I-Tunes to download it.
"Shasta, this song perfectly captures the spirit of Christmas. It expresses the joy and wonder that adults can continue to experience while looking through the eyes of their children. People, like Joe, who carry this spirit in their hearts will be forever young and happy," Candi said to me.
She's constantly telling me not to lose my wonder of the world. According to her, if we keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts all through the year, we will always find beauty and truth in a world filled with ugly and deception. We can, through our children, remember the hope and promise of tomorrow. We can save our country for our children by remembering the hope, the excitement and the discovery we carried in our own hearts as children.
Joe has touched my human's heart with his song and given her hope that others still keep the true spirit of Christmas in their hearts. So....thank you, Joe Merrick for writing and performing such a wonderful song that promotes the hope and optimism that is Christmas.
This K-9 strongly recommends everyone visit Joe's page at to listen to the song. And while you're there, show your support by clicking his link to purchase the song at I-Tunes.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Really? It's Christmas For Santa's Sake!
My human and I gladly support your right to not celebrate Christmas. We proudly defend your right to celebrate any holiday you wish, as a matter of fact. What we do NOT support in any way, is your incessant insistence that we NOT celebrate the way we wish!
Let me see if I can explain this in such a way that even a liberal can understand. One, the first amendment does not guarantee that you will NOT be offended so...GET OVER IT! Two, Christmas is not only protected by freedom OF religion, it protected by freedom OF speech! Three, we freely support Hannukah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice and every other holiday you wish to celebrate, so leave ours alone! Why is tolerance required of us but not of liberals?
Once again the attack on Christmas is getting ridiculous. Liberals have insisted on not allowing any Christmas decorations in classrooms because they are offensive to muslims and other non-christians. The governor of Rhode Island continues to defy his own state legislature by refusing to call the tree in the capital rotunda a Christmas Tree. And now....even Rudolph is under attack because the other reindeer were bullies. Give me a break people. My human is ready to throttle some people!
Where is your holiday spirit? Where is your tolerance? It's absolutely amazing to this K-9 that you insist we tolerate others, but you can't tolerate our beliefs and traditions. Can you show me in any document on Earth where it says that liberals get to determine how others live their lives or what they should believe? Make no mistake about it, we are angry. We are absolutely over everyone else trying to make believers feel guilty for their traditions and holidays. If you don't like what we are celebrating....don't look. It's as simple as that!
Christmas is about sharing. It is about "peace on Earth, goodwill toward men". That should not only be a Christian attitude, but an attitude of all people around the world. We truly understand if you do not want to acknowledge or celebrate the holiday, but please...don't ruin everyone else's good time. If you sincerely want tolerance for ALL religions, then let your own tolerance show at this special time of year. If we K-9 types can do this, then surely mankind can. After all, it's Christmas for Santa's sake!
Let me see if I can explain this in such a way that even a liberal can understand. One, the first amendment does not guarantee that you will NOT be offended so...GET OVER IT! Two, Christmas is not only protected by freedom OF religion, it protected by freedom OF speech! Three, we freely support Hannukah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice and every other holiday you wish to celebrate, so leave ours alone! Why is tolerance required of us but not of liberals?
Once again the attack on Christmas is getting ridiculous. Liberals have insisted on not allowing any Christmas decorations in classrooms because they are offensive to muslims and other non-christians. The governor of Rhode Island continues to defy his own state legislature by refusing to call the tree in the capital rotunda a Christmas Tree. And now....even Rudolph is under attack because the other reindeer were bullies. Give me a break people. My human is ready to throttle some people!
Where is your holiday spirit? Where is your tolerance? It's absolutely amazing to this K-9 that you insist we tolerate others, but you can't tolerate our beliefs and traditions. Can you show me in any document on Earth where it says that liberals get to determine how others live their lives or what they should believe? Make no mistake about it, we are angry. We are absolutely over everyone else trying to make believers feel guilty for their traditions and holidays. If you don't like what we are celebrating....don't look. It's as simple as that!
Christmas is about sharing. It is about "peace on Earth, goodwill toward men". That should not only be a Christian attitude, but an attitude of all people around the world. We truly understand if you do not want to acknowledge or celebrate the holiday, but please...don't ruin everyone else's good time. If you sincerely want tolerance for ALL religions, then let your own tolerance show at this special time of year. If we K-9 types can do this, then surely mankind can. After all, it's Christmas for Santa's sake!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Taking Time
"Candi, why do you participate in the chatrooms for the online music and talk shows you listen to?"
"It's simple really. Humans are under constant pressure, Shasta. Trying to juggle work and home can be quite a struggle. And if that weren't bad we have the added worries of the current political climate in America. It's important that we take time out, even just a few minutes, to show one another support. That's what we are doing when we go into the chatrooms. We are showing others how much we appreciate their efforts. We are showing our support and in doing so, we may be lifting someone’s spirits and putting a smile on their face. Chatrooms also help us learn from each other. By talking to others on the issues, we have a chance to gather information that we may not have been aware of. In this way, we are better prepared when discussing things with the opposition.”
I started thinking about it and decided she probably had a point. Quite often we find ourselves disgusted with the news and get angry. Maybe if more people took time to enjoy each other's company, learn from one another and say thank you, our country would begin turning around. As a dog, I have no worries. Candi sees to my needs and takes time out to play with me. She takes time to discuss things with me and share what she knows. Why can't humans do that for each other?
We probably won't have much time for our blogs during this holiday season. We're going to be "taking time" to share with others. We have decided that we are going to spend time with friends and family. We're going to focus on enjoying the small things in life and lift the spirits of others in the process. We're going to begin this week by spending time with Candi's nieces, Stephanie Macomber and Rachel Marie Goldman. We're going to take them and her great-niece, Elizabeth, to enjoy local Christmas displays. We're going to enjoy the company and the laughter.
We know that you have busy lives and that you have things that MUST get done. But consider this; every time you give of yourself, you get far more in return. I know this because of the smile on my human's face when she takes time to play with Patton and me. When you make someone else happy, you become happy. You begin to feel good. And you've renewed your own spirit. By listening and sharing with others, you gain knowledge and are better prepared for the battle. Please, this Christmas season take time for one another. Take time to share yourself with someone else and receive the greatest of all gifts in the process...the gift of each other.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Happy Birthday To My Biggest Fan - Kim Parrott
Dear Kim,
Happy Birthday! I hope it is one of your best ever. I want to tell you how much your love and support mean to me. You always make my human smile and you encourage my rants and thoughts. We love you when you share your sadness, your joy and even your frustration with the political climate. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your circle of friends. We feel truly blessed to have you in our lives.
So.....happy happy birthday from both of us to you! Happy happy birthday, may all your dreams come true!
We'd have gotten you a gun because we know you'd rather have that, but thanks to the economic policies of Obama....we just can't afford it. You'll have to make do with this short letter. WE LUVS YA BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday! I hope it is one of your best ever. I want to tell you how much your love and support mean to me. You always make my human smile and you encourage my rants and thoughts. We love you when you share your sadness, your joy and even your frustration with the political climate. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your circle of friends. We feel truly blessed to have you in our lives.
So.....happy happy birthday from both of us to you! Happy happy birthday, may all your dreams come true!
We'd have gotten you a gun because we know you'd rather have that, but thanks to the economic policies of Obama....we just can't afford it. You'll have to make do with this short letter. WE LUVS YA BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Ladies of PolitiChicks Are Getting It Right
"Shasta, you know you're doing something right when you're making someone mad. That's exactly what the ladies of PolitiChicks have done today," Candi said to me tonight.
"What is PolitiChicks," I asked.
"It's a new show that debuted today via YouTube and It stars four very lovely and talented ladies talking about current events and the political climate in America," she told me.
I asked Candi if we could watch and she gladly obliged me by clicking the play button. It was exactly the kind of show we enjoy most. Humorous while getting to the truth at the heart of the matter. Candi read the comments from viewers and all I could think was, "And they call TEA Party members 'hatemongers' and racists". The language some of these "enlightened" liberals used was a show of just how limited their minds really are. Candi is forever telling me that if I have to resort to name calling and foul language, I don't have an argument. Clearly these left-wing ideologs don't have an argument or they would have phrased their displeasure in a way that we wouldn't have to send Patton from the room.
So ladies, we say keep on keeping on. We're behind you all the way and we're going to promote it every chance we get. It is patriots like you that are going to put this country back on the right path and we appreciate your efforts!
Take a look at the video, click the like button and show those "hatemongering" liberals that we aren't going to drink their "kool-aid" anymore.
"What is PolitiChicks," I asked.
"It's a new show that debuted today via YouTube and It stars four very lovely and talented ladies talking about current events and the political climate in America," she told me.
I asked Candi if we could watch and she gladly obliged me by clicking the play button. It was exactly the kind of show we enjoy most. Humorous while getting to the truth at the heart of the matter. Candi read the comments from viewers and all I could think was, "And they call TEA Party members 'hatemongers' and racists". The language some of these "enlightened" liberals used was a show of just how limited their minds really are. Candi is forever telling me that if I have to resort to name calling and foul language, I don't have an argument. Clearly these left-wing ideologs don't have an argument or they would have phrased their displeasure in a way that we wouldn't have to send Patton from the room.
So ladies, we say keep on keeping on. We're behind you all the way and we're going to promote it every chance we get. It is patriots like you that are going to put this country back on the right path and we appreciate your efforts!
Take a look at the video, click the like button and show those "hatemongering" liberals that we aren't going to drink their "kool-aid" anymore.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Words Have Power
Candi is always telling me, "Shasta, slow down. Give the filter between your brain and your mouth a chance to work properly." I was never really sure of what she meant until tonight.
Candi has been my human for four year. Tonight I realized that I had never seen her truly "ticked off". I've seen her depressed, disheartened, frustrated, happy, silly, angry, playful and thoughtful, but never truly and seriously mad. She tries very hard to "walk the walk' that she talks, and so very often stops to consider the intent behind someone's words and NOT just the way they phrased it. That attitude can be frustrating to this TEA Party dog when we're discussing the latest coming out of D.C. It can also be helpful in keeping things from getting overheated when debating.
Sometimes while reading posts, comments and various articles on the internet, I want so badly for Candi to just let loose on people. But...she doesn't. Instead, she re-reads what she has written and tries to see how it may come across to the other person. It is one thing to debate, it is quite another to incite anger. This is something she is constantly preaching to others when talking about debating the issues.
With all that being said, my human is just human. As a result of her human nature, she isn't perfect and freely admits it. She can read something and KNOW that the person didn't mean it like it sounded but still get pretty upset. Normally when that happens, she walks away for a while and then comes back to it when she is in a calmer frame of mind. Tonight was not a night for walking away and coming back calmer.
She read the comment to me and I could immediately see the problem. Actually, if the comment had been directed at me, I would have gone over to the person's home to take a chunk out of their bum. It wasn't a nice comment, and the person honestly didn't mean it to come across the way it did. That doesn't excuse it, though. You see, words have power and when you are spitting them out so fast the filter between your brain and your mouth doesn't work, eventually you are going to phrase something very poorly. You could even lose a good friend because of it.
So, as Candi says to me, slow down people. Give the filter between your brain and your mouth a chance to work properly. Try applying that statement to your politics, your relationships and every other aspect of your life. I think you'll find you keep friends longer and create fewer enemies that way.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Only Christmas Gets Taxed!!!!
"'ve got to be kidding me? When will the left stop their relentless attack on Christmas," I heard Candi yelling this morning.
I padded into the living room and asked, "What are you talking about?"
"Shasta, you're absolutely NOT going to believe what this liberal administration has done now! They're going to add 15 cents on to every Christmas tree sold. They're not going to tax Kwanza symbols, winter solstice symbols, or muslim symbols....just Christmas trees. If this isn't another liberal attack on a Christian holiday, I don't know what is," she said.
We decided to look into the story a little further. And here's the thing...they're adding this 15 cents to pay for a new "Christmas Tree Promotion Board" in the Department of Agriculture. This "tree tax" is supposed to pay for a program to improve the image of the Christmas tree industry. Here is our question: Would we need to improve the image of the Christmas tree industry if the liberals hadn't taken every opportunity to destroy the holiday itself? NO, we most certainly would not.
We are no longer supposed to call it a Christmas tree, but instead a Holiday tree so that we don't offend non-Christians. Everywhere you look people use Xmas instead of Christmas in an attempt to take Christ out of the holiday altogether. We can no longer put nativity scenes up in public places in many cities in the U.S. Santa is even offensive to some. NOW the left is going to attack probably the MOST recognizable symbol of the holiday by putting a tax on it. For Pete's sake America...when are you going to wake up? Will it take the actual abolishment of the holiday before you realize what is going on here?
Little by little our freedoms and our customs/traditions are being taken away by the left. If they aren't outright attacking it...they sneak in a tax on it. Soon there will be no Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July or holidays that honor the sacrifice of those who have served and those currently serving. Soon there will be no resemblance to the holiday my human remembers from her childhood. Soon there will be no Christian OR Jewish holidays allowed in America. Are you ready for that day? If not...stand up and fight for your right to celebrate your Christian beliefs and traditions. Candi and I are!
I padded into the living room and asked, "What are you talking about?"
"Shasta, you're absolutely NOT going to believe what this liberal administration has done now! They're going to add 15 cents on to every Christmas tree sold. They're not going to tax Kwanza symbols, winter solstice symbols, or muslim symbols....just Christmas trees. If this isn't another liberal attack on a Christian holiday, I don't know what is," she said.
We decided to look into the story a little further. And here's the thing...they're adding this 15 cents to pay for a new "Christmas Tree Promotion Board" in the Department of Agriculture. This "tree tax" is supposed to pay for a program to improve the image of the Christmas tree industry. Here is our question: Would we need to improve the image of the Christmas tree industry if the liberals hadn't taken every opportunity to destroy the holiday itself? NO, we most certainly would not.
We are no longer supposed to call it a Christmas tree, but instead a Holiday tree so that we don't offend non-Christians. Everywhere you look people use Xmas instead of Christmas in an attempt to take Christ out of the holiday altogether. We can no longer put nativity scenes up in public places in many cities in the U.S. Santa is even offensive to some. NOW the left is going to attack probably the MOST recognizable symbol of the holiday by putting a tax on it. For Pete's sake America...when are you going to wake up? Will it take the actual abolishment of the holiday before you realize what is going on here?
Little by little our freedoms and our customs/traditions are being taken away by the left. If they aren't outright attacking it...they sneak in a tax on it. Soon there will be no Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July or holidays that honor the sacrifice of those who have served and those currently serving. Soon there will be no resemblance to the holiday my human remembers from her childhood. Soon there will be no Christian OR Jewish holidays allowed in America. Are you ready for that day? If not...stand up and fight for your right to celebrate your Christian beliefs and traditions. Candi and I are!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Jeannie Gill Hinck, BigDawg and Lisa Mei Norton Knock One Out Of The Park
One of my human's greatest pleasures in life is to interact with Conservative Patriots around the country. They inspire her to keep moving forward when she feels like "What's the point?". It is my distinct pleasure to tell you guys about Candi's newest favorite song, Pretty Girls With Guns & Guitars, written by Jeannie Gill Hinck and performed by Lisa Mei Norton, with the music mix by BigDawg who took Jeannie's chords and added his own unique style to create a sound that is pure American. WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Jeannie collaborated with BigDawg and Lisa Mei Norton of on the song about our government's unprecedented raid on Gibson Guitars. In expressing the outrage of this unjustified attack through song, they have reaffirmed to Candi and I that we are on the right side in this battle for our country and our freedoms.
Candi and I visit daily to listen and be inspired by the great work of the artists. We don't often update our page, but we do visit and Jeannie is one of our favorites on the website. Her humor, her patriotism and her dedication to spreading the word of freedom always seems to lift the spirits of my human whenever she feels like giving up. All the artists do that for her, although they may not know it.
"Shasta, I have been so blessed to come into contact with these wonderful people. I love sharing their talent with others. It's so refreshing to hear songs like Pretty Girls With Guns & Guitars that promote the idea we can't let government continue their assault on free markets and American made products," she said.
"Well I personally like that the song was about pretty girls fighting back," I told her. "Us girls are the future and Jeannie gets that."
I am highly recommending to all my fellow patriots that you click on the link below and take a listen to this great new collaboration by Jeannie Gill Hinck, BigDawg and Lisa Mei Norton. These guys blow Candi and I away with their talent and patriotism. Help us support these great conservative artists and let them know you appreciate their efforts.
Jeannie collaborated with BigDawg and Lisa Mei Norton of on the song about our government's unprecedented raid on Gibson Guitars. In expressing the outrage of this unjustified attack through song, they have reaffirmed to Candi and I that we are on the right side in this battle for our country and our freedoms.
Candi and I visit daily to listen and be inspired by the great work of the artists. We don't often update our page, but we do visit and Jeannie is one of our favorites on the website. Her humor, her patriotism and her dedication to spreading the word of freedom always seems to lift the spirits of my human whenever she feels like giving up. All the artists do that for her, although they may not know it.
"Shasta, I have been so blessed to come into contact with these wonderful people. I love sharing their talent with others. It's so refreshing to hear songs like Pretty Girls With Guns & Guitars that promote the idea we can't let government continue their assault on free markets and American made products," she said.
"Well I personally like that the song was about pretty girls fighting back," I told her. "Us girls are the future and Jeannie gets that."
I am highly recommending to all my fellow patriots that you click on the link below and take a listen to this great new collaboration by Jeannie Gill Hinck, BigDawg and Lisa Mei Norton. These guys blow Candi and I away with their talent and patriotism. Help us support these great conservative artists and let them know you appreciate their efforts.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
BigDawg's Music Hour Is Totally Awesome
There are few things that dogs look forward to. Things like belly rubs, long walks on a pretty day with your human, extra treats and playtime. Those are the things that make us tingle all over in anticipation. So this morning when Candi stated our walk would be postponed in order to listen to a new show on internet radio, I was extremely disappointed. But...knowing my human the way I do, I also knew that the walk wouldn't be postponed if it wasn't important. So...I settled in with her to listen.
"Shasta, today my friends at are launching an all new program on called BigDawg's Music Hour. Isn't that cool?"
In my humble K-9 opinion, that is beyond cool. The conservative artists being promoted by these wonderful people help my human keep fighting the fight to restore our country back to its constitutional principles. So often I want to bite people for making her feel that she isn't making a difference. If it weren't for patriots giving voice to what it means to be an American through their song, she might give up and that's something this country can't afford.
As the show started, Candi joined the chat room and began to smile. When you're the companion to someone who cares deeply for her country and see her getting discouraged in her efforts, seeing her smile while supporting conservative artists and their principles is a BIG DEAL! Everyone was friendly and encouraging. And it was also apparent that each person is a true patriot with an undying love of country.
So, if you're trying to make a difference and want to support conservative artists that are making a difference, come take a seat by Candi and I in the chat room for BigDawg's Music Hour on each Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Eastern. And...if you can, show your support for these amazing people by visiting and joining Trust me, you'll love it and they'll love having you come help ring the bells of freedom.
And just so you have an idea of what it's all about, the following is a list (with links) to the great music we listened to. Also, they'll be re-airing today's show on Sunday at 11 a.m. Eastern. Hope y'all can join us in the chat room for it.
Thanks to BigDawg, Reese Ccup, Matthew Vermillion, Lisa Mei Norton and all the others who have given my human another place to refill her patriotic cup!
"Shasta, today my friends at are launching an all new program on called BigDawg's Music Hour. Isn't that cool?"
In my humble K-9 opinion, that is beyond cool. The conservative artists being promoted by these wonderful people help my human keep fighting the fight to restore our country back to its constitutional principles. So often I want to bite people for making her feel that she isn't making a difference. If it weren't for patriots giving voice to what it means to be an American through their song, she might give up and that's something this country can't afford.
As the show started, Candi joined the chat room and began to smile. When you're the companion to someone who cares deeply for her country and see her getting discouraged in her efforts, seeing her smile while supporting conservative artists and their principles is a BIG DEAL! Everyone was friendly and encouraging. And it was also apparent that each person is a true patriot with an undying love of country.
So, if you're trying to make a difference and want to support conservative artists that are making a difference, come take a seat by Candi and I in the chat room for BigDawg's Music Hour on each Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Eastern. And...if you can, show your support for these amazing people by visiting and joining Trust me, you'll love it and they'll love having you come help ring the bells of freedom.
And just so you have an idea of what it's all about, the following is a list (with links) to the great music we listened to. Also, they'll be re-airing today's show on Sunday at 11 a.m. Eastern. Hope y'all can join us in the chat room for it.
Song 5 of the week “They Change The Rules” ~ Anne Marie Harpen http://www.libertybellradi
Song 4 of the week “Freedom” ~ Chris Ross”
Song 3 of the week “Soldiers of America” ~ Madison Rising
Song 2 of the week “My Girl” ~ Toots Sweet
Song 1 of the week “Hero’s Creed” ~ Lisa Mei Norton
Song 4 of the week “Freedom” ~ Chris Ross” http://www.libertybellradi
Song 3 of the week “Soldiers of America” ~ Madison Rising http://www.libertybellradi
Song 2 of the week “My Girl” ~ Toots Sweet http://www.libertybellradi
Song 1 of the week “Hero’s Creed” ~ Lisa Mei Norton http://www.libertybellradi
Liberty Bell Radio - Where the Bell Tolls for Freedom
Thanks to BigDawg, Reese Ccup, Matthew Vermillion, Lisa Mei Norton and all the others who have given my human another place to refill her patriotic cup!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Something Dogs Know That OWS Doesn't!
Here is something that ALL dogs learn. A person has something you want so you try to take it. That person could be bigger or have weapons. It is NOT worth the punishment that will inevitably follow! Trust me on this one!
Last night as I was eating, Patton decided he was going to help me finish my food. I defended what was rightfully mine and he got hurt. Now...I did not mean to hurt him, but he had no business trying to take my food. Candi came running in to find Patton screaming and bleeding. She immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped him up. After she got him quieted down, she looked at me with that "mom" look we all dread and said, "Patton is just a baby and he doesn't know any better. You have to be careful because you're so much bigger. However, he had no right trying to take what was yours. I'm not mad at you for defending what was yours, but I'm upset with you for getting too rough."
"I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just trying to warm him," I told her.
I felt really bad all night that Patton had gotten hurt. I felt even worse that Candi was worried. But still....he shouldn't have tried to take my food! I thought about what had happened all night and this morning when Candi woke up and AFTER she'd had her first cup of coffee I padded up to sit at her feet and I asked, "Couldn't the kind of incident that happened last night with me and Patton happen to the OWS people someday?"
"Yes, Shasta. One of these days, the OWS people are going to come across someone who is bigger and stronger. When they do, that person is going to defend what is rightfully theirs. And when I say 'rightfully theirs', I mean what they've worked for and earned. You don't have the right to something just because it's there and you think it's unfair you don't already have it, Shasta. That is the lesson Patton learned, very painfully learned, last night," she said.
What she said made perfect sense to me. You see, I know that if I try to take something I shouldn't I can get hurt. And someday, there will be a bigger dog that can kick my butt. So...I take what I'm given by my human, because I can't get it myself, and I stay away from what belongs to others. This is something that all dogs learn very early in life. We learn it the hard way and we don't forget it. Unfortunately, today's young people have never learned this lesson. They will probably NEVER learn this lesson.
Because liberals feel everyone should be equal, our children are NOT learning how to stand up for themselves or how to keep trying until you succeed. Instead, children are learning to cry "He said mean things about me" or "That's not fair". Rather than teaching our children to be strong and independent, we teach them that everyone is equal and no one should have more than anyone else. Because we won't let the kids who are capable show off those capabilities, we are raising a nation of weaklings and whiners. It's time that children learn the lesson that all dogs learn as puppies. Don't try to take what doesn't belong to you!
One more thing. Just because Candi scooped Patton up, doesn't mean she was on his side. As a matter of fact, she told him that she hoped he had learned his lesson. She scolded him for trying to take what wasn't his and explained to him that was how he got hurt. She definitely made it clear to Patton that it was his own fault he got hurt. AND, Candi explained to both of us that she only wanted to make sure he was ok and didn't need to go to the vet. I know that Candi loves Patton and I. I also know that she won't reward bad behavior. As soon as she knew Patton was going to be ok...we both got lectures.
Last night as I was eating, Patton decided he was going to help me finish my food. I defended what was rightfully mine and he got hurt. Now...I did not mean to hurt him, but he had no business trying to take my food. Candi came running in to find Patton screaming and bleeding. She immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped him up. After she got him quieted down, she looked at me with that "mom" look we all dread and said, "Patton is just a baby and he doesn't know any better. You have to be careful because you're so much bigger. However, he had no right trying to take what was yours. I'm not mad at you for defending what was yours, but I'm upset with you for getting too rough."
"I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just trying to warm him," I told her.
I felt really bad all night that Patton had gotten hurt. I felt even worse that Candi was worried. But still....he shouldn't have tried to take my food! I thought about what had happened all night and this morning when Candi woke up and AFTER she'd had her first cup of coffee I padded up to sit at her feet and I asked, "Couldn't the kind of incident that happened last night with me and Patton happen to the OWS people someday?"
"Yes, Shasta. One of these days, the OWS people are going to come across someone who is bigger and stronger. When they do, that person is going to defend what is rightfully theirs. And when I say 'rightfully theirs', I mean what they've worked for and earned. You don't have the right to something just because it's there and you think it's unfair you don't already have it, Shasta. That is the lesson Patton learned, very painfully learned, last night," she said.
What she said made perfect sense to me. You see, I know that if I try to take something I shouldn't I can get hurt. And someday, there will be a bigger dog that can kick my butt. So...I take what I'm given by my human, because I can't get it myself, and I stay away from what belongs to others. This is something that all dogs learn very early in life. We learn it the hard way and we don't forget it. Unfortunately, today's young people have never learned this lesson. They will probably NEVER learn this lesson.
Because liberals feel everyone should be equal, our children are NOT learning how to stand up for themselves or how to keep trying until you succeed. Instead, children are learning to cry "He said mean things about me" or "That's not fair". Rather than teaching our children to be strong and independent, we teach them that everyone is equal and no one should have more than anyone else. Because we won't let the kids who are capable show off those capabilities, we are raising a nation of weaklings and whiners. It's time that children learn the lesson that all dogs learn as puppies. Don't try to take what doesn't belong to you!
One more thing. Just because Candi scooped Patton up, doesn't mean she was on his side. As a matter of fact, she told him that she hoped he had learned his lesson. She scolded him for trying to take what wasn't his and explained to him that was how he got hurt. She definitely made it clear to Patton that it was his own fault he got hurt. AND, Candi explained to both of us that she only wanted to make sure he was ok and didn't need to go to the vet. I know that Candi loves Patton and I. I also know that she won't reward bad behavior. As soon as she knew Patton was going to be ok...we both got lectures.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
How many times will you post unverified subject matter? I mean seriously, you're doing more harm than good by NOT researching before you post something. Conspiracy theories abound and distractions are coming hard and fast from the left. Do we really have the time for arguing this stuff? I think not!
Candi woke up this morning to find a link posted on Facebook. The title of the link caught her attention, so she clicked on it and read the article. Unfortunately, the person writing the article chooses to remain anonymous and provided NO backup for his/her theory. The person who posted the link had obviously NOT done any research of their own and therefore, people are going to be running around to fight something that we don't even know for sure is a real problem yet. How is this helping the conservative cause?
Our country is at a crossroads and we have one chance to take it back. Next November we will either make the most of that chance or we will continue to allow the left to take us down the path to socialism. Make your choice people. Either stand firm and fight the battles that actually need fighting, or fall for every little trick of the left and lose the war. As for Candi, Patton and I...we're planning on fighting what needs to be fought. We will not follow every conspiracy. We will not be distracted by attacks on candidates. And most of all, we will not lose sight of the end goal! We are in it to win!
Every night before bed, Candi and I talk about what we've done or learned that day. It's amazing to me how much time we spend trying to verify information. The wonderful thing about the web is that everyone can contribute. The bad thing about the web is that everyone can contribute. It's a double-edged sword and unfortunately, most people aren't willing to do their own research and end up falling for everything they read. It can be discouraging to those of us that are doing our research. We're constantly having to point out the other side or show why the article they read isn't infallible.
Please people, look past the headline and read the article. Then, after you've read it, see if you can find out anything about the author. Check to see if they're credible. Look at their sources and see if those are credible. If anything doesn't seem quite right, ask someone else for help in verifying. Together we can make a difference. To insure that we are together, let's verify before posting and stay focused on the issues at hand. It is the only way to take back our country and to keep it.
Candi woke up this morning to find a link posted on Facebook. The title of the link caught her attention, so she clicked on it and read the article. Unfortunately, the person writing the article chooses to remain anonymous and provided NO backup for his/her theory. The person who posted the link had obviously NOT done any research of their own and therefore, people are going to be running around to fight something that we don't even know for sure is a real problem yet. How is this helping the conservative cause?
Our country is at a crossroads and we have one chance to take it back. Next November we will either make the most of that chance or we will continue to allow the left to take us down the path to socialism. Make your choice people. Either stand firm and fight the battles that actually need fighting, or fall for every little trick of the left and lose the war. As for Candi, Patton and I...we're planning on fighting what needs to be fought. We will not follow every conspiracy. We will not be distracted by attacks on candidates. And most of all, we will not lose sight of the end goal! We are in it to win!
Every night before bed, Candi and I talk about what we've done or learned that day. It's amazing to me how much time we spend trying to verify information. The wonderful thing about the web is that everyone can contribute. The bad thing about the web is that everyone can contribute. It's a double-edged sword and unfortunately, most people aren't willing to do their own research and end up falling for everything they read. It can be discouraging to those of us that are doing our research. We're constantly having to point out the other side or show why the article they read isn't infallible.
Please people, look past the headline and read the article. Then, after you've read it, see if you can find out anything about the author. Check to see if they're credible. Look at their sources and see if those are credible. If anything doesn't seem quite right, ask someone else for help in verifying. Together we can make a difference. To insure that we are together, let's verify before posting and stay focused on the issues at hand. It is the only way to take back our country and to keep it.
Monday, October 31, 2011
This Halloween Is Just Too Scary
This year I am dressing as Nancy Pelosi and Patton is dressing as Harry Reid for Halloween. Candi will be wearing a t-shirt that says, "I'm with dumb and dumber". We think that's appropriate! However, the reality is, "dumb and dumber" have helped to do more to destroy our country than any other leaders in recent history. Here are just a couple of examples for you to consider.
Pelosi pushed Obamacare down our throats. Yes, she bullied as many members of the House of Representatives into voting for the most damaging piece of legislation in American history. Those that she couldn't bully...she bribed. I give you Blanche Lincoln as an example. Regardless of Americans standing up at townhalls all across the country, democrats in Washington rammed this down our throats without a second thought. And all this was done by Nancy Pelosi and the stranglehold she had on members of the House.
Harry Reid deliberately holds up proceedings on any bill submitted to the Senate by John Boehner and the House. He refuses to allow debate or votes on anything the GOP sends over. This is also destructive to America. It's as if he doesn't want anything getting through that will restore America and put us back on the road to economic recovery. We have to wonder why. Yes, we know that it's because, just like all liberals, he believes that they know better than everyday people like you and me. However, we do know what is best for our households and our families. After all, aren't we the ones living our lives? The audacity of Reid and others like him thinking they know more than we do just blows my doggie mind.
Both of these people have made it easy for Obama to implement his socialist style of governing. And, as Candi told me, "If the American people don't vote appropriately in 2012, we may never get our country on the right track again. We cannot allow the left to keep us on the path to socialism." Therefore, it seems appropriate for Patton and I to go dressed as "dumb and dumber" for Halloween this year. For they are two of the scariest people in all of American History.
Pelosi pushed Obamacare down our throats. Yes, she bullied as many members of the House of Representatives into voting for the most damaging piece of legislation in American history. Those that she couldn't bully...she bribed. I give you Blanche Lincoln as an example. Regardless of Americans standing up at townhalls all across the country, democrats in Washington rammed this down our throats without a second thought. And all this was done by Nancy Pelosi and the stranglehold she had on members of the House.
Harry Reid deliberately holds up proceedings on any bill submitted to the Senate by John Boehner and the House. He refuses to allow debate or votes on anything the GOP sends over. This is also destructive to America. It's as if he doesn't want anything getting through that will restore America and put us back on the road to economic recovery. We have to wonder why. Yes, we know that it's because, just like all liberals, he believes that they know better than everyday people like you and me. However, we do know what is best for our households and our families. After all, aren't we the ones living our lives? The audacity of Reid and others like him thinking they know more than we do just blows my doggie mind.
Both of these people have made it easy for Obama to implement his socialist style of governing. And, as Candi told me, "If the American people don't vote appropriately in 2012, we may never get our country on the right track again. We cannot allow the left to keep us on the path to socialism." Therefore, it seems appropriate for Patton and I to go dressed as "dumb and dumber" for Halloween this year. For they are two of the scariest people in all of American History.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Why PETA Is Not Good For Me
So Candi, Patton and I are sitting at home on a cold rainy night watching movies and surfing the net. We're having a good time and all of sudden I hear, "Good grief! What next?" coming from Candi. Immediately I perked up because I knew we were about to discuss something so absolutely's funny. Sure enough...PETA has provided the entertainment for tonight.
I listened patiently as Candi read an article to Patton and I about PETA filing a lawsuit against SeaWorld for enslaving killer whales. Now, I saw the ridiculousness of this immediately but Patton thought it was good. He's just a puppy so we have to overlook some things. I took it upon myself to explain.
"Patton, think about it this way. If you and I were to be taken away from Candi because she 'makes' us write blogs, we'd have to go out into the world to fend for ourselves. No longer would our every need be provided for. There would be no more cuddling with her or any other human in bed on cold winter nights. No more water and food bowls filled twice a day, no more warm dry place to sleep and we'd probably end up with a fatal disease," I told him. "Those killer whales and other sea life that Sea World takes care of have never been in the wild. They've been dependent on humans their entire lives and probably won't last very long if PETA gets their way and the whales are released into the wild."
As Patton began to cry, Candi picked him up and set him in her lap. "Don't worry, Patton. I won't let that happen," she said. "Shasta, that was mean to frighten Patton that way!" I immediately hung my head in shame (and tried very hard not to let her see me grinning).
Now, I know ya'll think I'm mean. But...I also know ya'll know I'm right! PETA would have all of us that are content with the humans in our lives released into the wild to fend for ourselves. How is that "ethical treatment of animals"? It isn't! PETA doesn't work for me or those killer whales.
Also, it's just silly. Why do our courts need to be tied up with a lawsuit so ridiculous? That is just more taxpayer money wasted. Animals don't consider themselves slaves! We consider ourselves part of the family. I'm pretty sure that if those killer whales could talk, they'd tell us all that they're quite content to do a few tricks in exchange for having their every need met. Think about it people! As animals dependent on humans we never worry about where our next meal is coming from, our health or where we might have to find shelter for the night. I say those killer whales have it pretty good, just like me!
PETA is not good for us animals. If anything, they are just another tick on humanity trying to suck the lifeblood out of everyone. I'm currently organizing a protest of animals against PETA and their ridiculous idea that we're human!
I listened patiently as Candi read an article to Patton and I about PETA filing a lawsuit against SeaWorld for enslaving killer whales. Now, I saw the ridiculousness of this immediately but Patton thought it was good. He's just a puppy so we have to overlook some things. I took it upon myself to explain.
"Patton, think about it this way. If you and I were to be taken away from Candi because she 'makes' us write blogs, we'd have to go out into the world to fend for ourselves. No longer would our every need be provided for. There would be no more cuddling with her or any other human in bed on cold winter nights. No more water and food bowls filled twice a day, no more warm dry place to sleep and we'd probably end up with a fatal disease," I told him. "Those killer whales and other sea life that Sea World takes care of have never been in the wild. They've been dependent on humans their entire lives and probably won't last very long if PETA gets their way and the whales are released into the wild."
As Patton began to cry, Candi picked him up and set him in her lap. "Don't worry, Patton. I won't let that happen," she said. "Shasta, that was mean to frighten Patton that way!" I immediately hung my head in shame (and tried very hard not to let her see me grinning).
Now, I know ya'll think I'm mean. But...I also know ya'll know I'm right! PETA would have all of us that are content with the humans in our lives released into the wild to fend for ourselves. How is that "ethical treatment of animals"? It isn't! PETA doesn't work for me or those killer whales.
Also, it's just silly. Why do our courts need to be tied up with a lawsuit so ridiculous? That is just more taxpayer money wasted. Animals don't consider themselves slaves! We consider ourselves part of the family. I'm pretty sure that if those killer whales could talk, they'd tell us all that they're quite content to do a few tricks in exchange for having their every need met. Think about it people! As animals dependent on humans we never worry about where our next meal is coming from, our health or where we might have to find shelter for the night. I say those killer whales have it pretty good, just like me!
PETA is not good for us animals. If anything, they are just another tick on humanity trying to suck the lifeblood out of everyone. I'm currently organizing a protest of animals against PETA and their ridiculous idea that we're human!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
You know you love that line from Forrest Gump. We all do. And think about just how true it is. A prime example is the "occupiers".
Candi and I were discussing this last night after reading about Michael Moore's stupid statement that the Oakland protesters were not violent and that it was the police who were rioting. As we all know, Michael Moore is a hero of the left AND many of the occupiers believe in his anti-capitalist views. See....stupid is as stupid does!
"Shasta, would you like another example of how true that movie line is? Look at the Washington Post's smear campaign against Marco Rubio. Because he his a young, good-looking man of Cuban descent AND a Republican in the Senate, they've decided to pull out all the stops and try to discredit him. Even to the point of trying to use their own unverified and poorly investigated past material," Candi said.
"Now that is just plain dumb! Didn't that story just come out on Sunday and was debunked by Monday?" I asked.
"Yep, like the movie line says, Shasta....stupid is as stupid does."
When are liberals going to get it? Do they not realize that these attacks just make them look foolish when the truth comes out? So here is some advice to those liberals continuing to make these idiotic accusations.
Michael Moore: There is video proving you're wrong. Why you think you can get away with an accusation like you made, is beyond me when we have more than enough evidence to show you are lying. So...shut up! You look ridiculous!
Washington Post Reporters: Everytime you do a smear campaign and it gets lose credibility. a little more research, take your time and get it right BEFORE you print the story. We don't mind if you catch our politicians doing something wrong, as long as you get it right. As conservatives, we are more than happy to hold their feet to the fire, we just prefer to do it over something legit!
All in all, for liberals everywhere...we love the movie line but we don't need you proving it to us conservatives on a daily basis. Just giving ya'll some food for thought is all.
Candi and I were discussing this last night after reading about Michael Moore's stupid statement that the Oakland protesters were not violent and that it was the police who were rioting. As we all know, Michael Moore is a hero of the left AND many of the occupiers believe in his anti-capitalist views. See....stupid is as stupid does!
"Shasta, would you like another example of how true that movie line is? Look at the Washington Post's smear campaign against Marco Rubio. Because he his a young, good-looking man of Cuban descent AND a Republican in the Senate, they've decided to pull out all the stops and try to discredit him. Even to the point of trying to use their own unverified and poorly investigated past material," Candi said.
"Now that is just plain dumb! Didn't that story just come out on Sunday and was debunked by Monday?" I asked.
"Yep, like the movie line says, Shasta....stupid is as stupid does."
When are liberals going to get it? Do they not realize that these attacks just make them look foolish when the truth comes out? So here is some advice to those liberals continuing to make these idiotic accusations.
Michael Moore: There is video proving you're wrong. Why you think you can get away with an accusation like you made, is beyond me when we have more than enough evidence to show you are lying. So...shut up! You look ridiculous!
Washington Post Reporters: Everytime you do a smear campaign and it gets lose credibility. a little more research, take your time and get it right BEFORE you print the story. We don't mind if you catch our politicians doing something wrong, as long as you get it right. As conservatives, we are more than happy to hold their feet to the fire, we just prefer to do it over something legit!
All in all, for liberals everywhere...we love the movie line but we don't need you proving it to us conservatives on a daily basis. Just giving ya'll some food for thought is all.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Joe Biden: A Big Baby
As Candi and I have been watching the news, we've been giggling over Joe Biden's crying. Apparently he is upset that a reporter had the audacity to question his statements regarding murder rates doubling and rapes tripling in Flint, MI. Really Joe? C' a man and own up to the fact that you got it wrong!
"Seriously Shasta, if the man would just own up to the fact that he got it wrong we could get past it. Instead he calls for an investigation to see if any Senate rules were broken by the reporter. Ughhhh....these liberals whining every time they get caught making up things just gets under my skin," Candi said to me this morning.
"I don't understand what the problem is. He is obviously the "gaffe machine du jour". Why do his people let him walk around saying stupid things? And why doesn't he just own up to his limited intelligence and let America get over it?" I asked.
"Because, if liberals admitted when they made mistakes they'd lose the support of the sheeples that follow them. He isn't Bill Clinton, after all. No one can but Bill could lie about something, get busted, AND still come out relatively unscathed. You have to have charisma to pull that off and let's face it, Joe Biden doesn't have any charisma whatsoever. Besides, Obama needs Biden to make him look smarter than he is," Candi told me.
She's probably right. I watch the news all day while Candi is running around getting errands done and everytime I see Joe on TV, I feel bad for the guy. I really do. He isn't very attractive, his sense of humor is lacking, and he never stops to check facts before opening his mouth. Joe Biden is the epitome of liberals who think they know more than conservatives, but end up looking ridiculous because they haven't done their homework. Because of his constant "foot in mouth" disease, he really does make Obama look good.
So, Candi and I thought we'd offer a little advice to Joe Biden's handlers. Get the man a teleprompter and don't let him speak without it. Maybe then he'd stop whining everytime someone calls him on his unverified facts, unintelligible rants and his overall lack of a filter between brain and mouth.
Seriously, he is supposed to be representing the greatest country on Earth and you people let him walk around with his foot dangerously close to his mouth at all times.
Candi and I would never let that happen to our boss! Of course, she's just your average everyday lady and I'm just a dog so...what do we know? Our filters between brain and mouth don't always work, but we at least TRY to get it right.
One last thing for Joe: Stop being a baby and crying because you got caught! Grow up and take responsibility for NOT verifying your information before sharing it! Oh wait, you're a liberal and that's beyond your capabilities!
"Seriously Shasta, if the man would just own up to the fact that he got it wrong we could get past it. Instead he calls for an investigation to see if any Senate rules were broken by the reporter. Ughhhh....these liberals whining every time they get caught making up things just gets under my skin," Candi said to me this morning.
"I don't understand what the problem is. He is obviously the "gaffe machine du jour". Why do his people let him walk around saying stupid things? And why doesn't he just own up to his limited intelligence and let America get over it?" I asked.
"Because, if liberals admitted when they made mistakes they'd lose the support of the sheeples that follow them. He isn't Bill Clinton, after all. No one can but Bill could lie about something, get busted, AND still come out relatively unscathed. You have to have charisma to pull that off and let's face it, Joe Biden doesn't have any charisma whatsoever. Besides, Obama needs Biden to make him look smarter than he is," Candi told me.
She's probably right. I watch the news all day while Candi is running around getting errands done and everytime I see Joe on TV, I feel bad for the guy. I really do. He isn't very attractive, his sense of humor is lacking, and he never stops to check facts before opening his mouth. Joe Biden is the epitome of liberals who think they know more than conservatives, but end up looking ridiculous because they haven't done their homework. Because of his constant "foot in mouth" disease, he really does make Obama look good.
So, Candi and I thought we'd offer a little advice to Joe Biden's handlers. Get the man a teleprompter and don't let him speak without it. Maybe then he'd stop whining everytime someone calls him on his unverified facts, unintelligible rants and his overall lack of a filter between brain and mouth.
Seriously, he is supposed to be representing the greatest country on Earth and you people let him walk around with his foot dangerously close to his mouth at all times.
Candi and I would never let that happen to our boss! Of course, she's just your average everyday lady and I'm just a dog so...what do we know? Our filters between brain and mouth don't always work, but we at least TRY to get it right.
One last thing for Joe: Stop being a baby and crying because you got caught! Grow up and take responsibility for NOT verifying your information before sharing it! Oh wait, you're a liberal and that's beyond your capabilities!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I Have Better Things To Do
Dear Occupiers:
I have much better things to do with my time than to worry about your poor personal hygiene, your unclear goals (you're protesting the wrong people) AND your desire to be on TV. In case you haven't noticed, the very people you are protesting are the very people that gave Obama and other liberals millions of dollars to turn you into the zombies you are. If you had truly done a little homework, you would have known this and you'd be camped out at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue instead of these parks around the country.
Unlike the TEA Party, you don't have any real agenda. You're just a bunch of spoiled brats that are mad because you didn't get a bailout. Would you like to know something? Not one American citizen has received the help/bailout that your precious Obama promised in 2008. And you're blaming the banks for this? Hello? Put your crack pipes down and come back to reality people! The White House, the House of Representatives, AND the Senate are all responsible for the banks doing what they did. That's right! The people you elected (liberals mostly) allowed this to happen and you want to be mad at the people who took advantage of it? Give me a break!
Go home! Stop blaming others for your laziness. Get off your butts and do something worthwhile. Otherwise, shut up because we're tired of your incessant and incoherent whining!
I have much better things to do with my time than to worry about your poor personal hygiene, your unclear goals (you're protesting the wrong people) AND your desire to be on TV. In case you haven't noticed, the very people you are protesting are the very people that gave Obama and other liberals millions of dollars to turn you into the zombies you are. If you had truly done a little homework, you would have known this and you'd be camped out at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue instead of these parks around the country.
Unlike the TEA Party, you don't have any real agenda. You're just a bunch of spoiled brats that are mad because you didn't get a bailout. Would you like to know something? Not one American citizen has received the help/bailout that your precious Obama promised in 2008. And you're blaming the banks for this? Hello? Put your crack pipes down and come back to reality people! The White House, the House of Representatives, AND the Senate are all responsible for the banks doing what they did. That's right! The people you elected (liberals mostly) allowed this to happen and you want to be mad at the people who took advantage of it? Give me a break!
Go home! Stop blaming others for your laziness. Get off your butts and do something worthwhile. Otherwise, shut up because we're tired of your incessant and incoherent whining!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Rules Are Only For Conservatives
My human and I had an incident this morning with a neighbor. Here is the story.
This woman had no problem complaining about me not being on a leash coming down the stairs of our building. It didn't matter that my human could barely walk and having me on a leash might cause her to fall and hurt herself even more. The neighbor didn't think that was ok at all. She said to my human, "You need to have your dog on a leash at all times!" The woman was hateful and extremely condescending!
Later, when we went out again, we noticed her getting into her car and that it had an Obama 2012 sticker on the back. Candi looked down at me, shook her head and said, "That explains a great deal right there! Don't you agree, Shasta?" I gave her my doggie snort in agreement.
Well, it seems that it's ok for her NOT to have her dogs on a leash at all times. This morning, as we were returning from the tree line, our neighbor and her two small dogs crossed our path. One was on a leash and one wasn't. The one that was not, bared its teeth and growled at me then proceeded to charge me. The moment Candi saw what was about to happen, she grabbed me with both hands to keep me from rushing the dog that was charging me. I stayed, the little dog kept coming and decided to bite me on my front left leg.
Now, I'm not going to tell you people what my human did but suffice it to say that I seriously doubt that the woman will ever yell or be hateful to my human again! I will say this: It's amazing how often liberals cry foul when a conservative breaks a law or rule, but it's perfectly ok for them to do so. Two prime examples of this...I got bit this morning and OWS people are still defecating on police cars, blocking traffic and preventing clean up in parks across the country. BUT, if I had been the one to bite her dog she would have demanded my human be punished; AND if my TEA Party friends had done what the OWS people are doing, the media would be all over it demanding that our government put a stop to it.
Isn't it amazing how rules are only for conservatives?
This woman had no problem complaining about me not being on a leash coming down the stairs of our building. It didn't matter that my human could barely walk and having me on a leash might cause her to fall and hurt herself even more. The neighbor didn't think that was ok at all. She said to my human, "You need to have your dog on a leash at all times!" The woman was hateful and extremely condescending!
Later, when we went out again, we noticed her getting into her car and that it had an Obama 2012 sticker on the back. Candi looked down at me, shook her head and said, "That explains a great deal right there! Don't you agree, Shasta?" I gave her my doggie snort in agreement.
Well, it seems that it's ok for her NOT to have her dogs on a leash at all times. This morning, as we were returning from the tree line, our neighbor and her two small dogs crossed our path. One was on a leash and one wasn't. The one that was not, bared its teeth and growled at me then proceeded to charge me. The moment Candi saw what was about to happen, she grabbed me with both hands to keep me from rushing the dog that was charging me. I stayed, the little dog kept coming and decided to bite me on my front left leg.
Now, I'm not going to tell you people what my human did but suffice it to say that I seriously doubt that the woman will ever yell or be hateful to my human again! I will say this: It's amazing how often liberals cry foul when a conservative breaks a law or rule, but it's perfectly ok for them to do so. Two prime examples of this...I got bit this morning and OWS people are still defecating on police cars, blocking traffic and preventing clean up in parks across the country. BUT, if I had been the one to bite her dog she would have demanded my human be punished; AND if my TEA Party friends had done what the OWS people are doing, the media would be all over it demanding that our government put a stop to it.
Isn't it amazing how rules are only for conservatives?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Fall Holidays Not PC Enough...Oh, Jeez!
Sometimes liberals just get too ridiculous for words. This is NOT one of those times. Seriously people, let's not celebrate Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and for heaven's sake don't let your children dress up as their favorite cartoon character for Halloween. Really? Candi and I were not actually surprised by this, but we were disappointed to see another school system going overboard in the PC department.
I did ask Candi what the big deal is about these particular holidays. She explained that Columbus Day and Thanksgiving seem to be insensitive to native American's because the Europeans didn't treat them very well. But here's the thing that no one seems to consider...native Americans weren't totally innocent either! Let's look at the holidays mentioned one at a time, shall we?
One, Columbus discovered the Americas. No one is really sure if he landed in North or South America the first time or if he truly is the first European to step on the soil of the "New World". What we do know for certain is that he is credited with it. So, in our very humble opinion, give the man credit for having the gumption to make a dangerous journey and discovering this wonderful new land. We understand that Europeans settling in the new world did not always get along with the indigenous peoples here, but they were far from being the only guilty party. Our history tells us that many Native Americans attacked settlers without provocation. Just saying...there are always two sides to every story and both need to be considered equally.
Two, Thanksgiving. For some reason this holiday seems to truly upset liberals and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. When you look at the history of the holiday, isn't it a celebration of the cooperation between Native Americans and settlers? Yes, there were atrocities later and the Europeans did bring disease that hadn't been here, but the holiday itself represents what can be accomplished with understanding and a willingness to cooperate. So...get over it people! Celebrate the spirit of the holiday and try to open your minds and hearts. Maybe, just maybe, then you will realize that working together gets a person farther than going it alone!
Last, Halloween. Now this one upset Candi big time. Apparently this school principal told the teachers to ask children not to dress up. Her response was somewhat humorous to me. She said, "Shasta, this is absolutely over the top! It's Halloween. It's a fun thing for children to dress up and walk around saying trick or treat. But because a child might dress up as something someone else finds offensive, none get to dress up. Jeez...they are children and most of them don't even understand political correctness. Most will go as their favorite Disney princess or cartoon character. What is wrong with this principal that she would deny school children a little fun once a year?" AND, Candi informed me that this particular holiday has always been offensive to some people and religious organizations. So what is the big deal? C'mon...don't take away the kiddie's fun just because you don't like it. That's just mean!
Here is our point: Americans have gotten so concerned that they MIGHT upset someone that they don't want to celebrate anything. They want to take away anything that may or may not represent more than one point of view. No one is saying everyone has to celebrate, but don't try to punish everyone. If you don't like the in sick and stay home, but for Pete's sake...let the rest of us enjoy it!
This is the link to the story:
I did ask Candi what the big deal is about these particular holidays. She explained that Columbus Day and Thanksgiving seem to be insensitive to native American's because the Europeans didn't treat them very well. But here's the thing that no one seems to consider...native Americans weren't totally innocent either! Let's look at the holidays mentioned one at a time, shall we?
One, Columbus discovered the Americas. No one is really sure if he landed in North or South America the first time or if he truly is the first European to step on the soil of the "New World". What we do know for certain is that he is credited with it. So, in our very humble opinion, give the man credit for having the gumption to make a dangerous journey and discovering this wonderful new land. We understand that Europeans settling in the new world did not always get along with the indigenous peoples here, but they were far from being the only guilty party. Our history tells us that many Native Americans attacked settlers without provocation. Just saying...there are always two sides to every story and both need to be considered equally.
Two, Thanksgiving. For some reason this holiday seems to truly upset liberals and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. When you look at the history of the holiday, isn't it a celebration of the cooperation between Native Americans and settlers? Yes, there were atrocities later and the Europeans did bring disease that hadn't been here, but the holiday itself represents what can be accomplished with understanding and a willingness to cooperate. So...get over it people! Celebrate the spirit of the holiday and try to open your minds and hearts. Maybe, just maybe, then you will realize that working together gets a person farther than going it alone!
Last, Halloween. Now this one upset Candi big time. Apparently this school principal told the teachers to ask children not to dress up. Her response was somewhat humorous to me. She said, "Shasta, this is absolutely over the top! It's Halloween. It's a fun thing for children to dress up and walk around saying trick or treat. But because a child might dress up as something someone else finds offensive, none get to dress up. Jeez...they are children and most of them don't even understand political correctness. Most will go as their favorite Disney princess or cartoon character. What is wrong with this principal that she would deny school children a little fun once a year?" AND, Candi informed me that this particular holiday has always been offensive to some people and religious organizations. So what is the big deal? C'mon...don't take away the kiddie's fun just because you don't like it. That's just mean!
Here is our point: Americans have gotten so concerned that they MIGHT upset someone that they don't want to celebrate anything. They want to take away anything that may or may not represent more than one point of view. No one is saying everyone has to celebrate, but don't try to punish everyone. If you don't like the in sick and stay home, but for Pete's sake...let the rest of us enjoy it!
This is the link to the story:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Martian Math Doesn't Work On Earth
The section of Obamacare called, CLASS, is not going to be implemented. Want to know why? Because actuaries figured out that you can't make martian math work on Earth. That's right, the math the liberals used for this doesn't work. Candi and I discussed it this morning and no matter which way we tried to "spin" it, the math doesn't work.
CLASS is the part of Obamacare that addresses long-term care for the disabled. To make it work, you'd have to have 230 million people enrolled in the program. The premise is that with enough people enrolled , the program could be paid for by the money that those who are working are putting in. Do we have 230 million people in the workforce? No!
"Candi, according to the experts, there is absolutely no way this can work. What made the Obama administration think it would?" I asked.
"Shasta, the fundamental flaw of any socialized program is that it is funded by taxpayer monies. If you don't have enough people paying in, you can't sustain the program. This isn't just a flaw in this particular part of Obamacare, it is THE major flaw in all of Obama's policies. He doesn't understand that there aren't enough working people to subsidize the non-working people," she said.
Candi and I tried doing the math on Obama's policies before and we came to the conclusion that NO math actually works. No matter which way you add, subtract, multiply or divide, the numbers will not come out in a way that makes these programs sustainable. When are liberals going to understand this? It isn't just Obamacare that the numbers won't work for, it's everything the man and his party want to do.
Somehow, we have to make people understand that no matter how you work the numbers, martian math just won't work here on Earth!
CLASS is the part of Obamacare that addresses long-term care for the disabled. To make it work, you'd have to have 230 million people enrolled in the program. The premise is that with enough people enrolled , the program could be paid for by the money that those who are working are putting in. Do we have 230 million people in the workforce? No!
"Candi, according to the experts, there is absolutely no way this can work. What made the Obama administration think it would?" I asked.
"Shasta, the fundamental flaw of any socialized program is that it is funded by taxpayer monies. If you don't have enough people paying in, you can't sustain the program. This isn't just a flaw in this particular part of Obamacare, it is THE major flaw in all of Obama's policies. He doesn't understand that there aren't enough working people to subsidize the non-working people," she said.
Candi and I tried doing the math on Obama's policies before and we came to the conclusion that NO math actually works. No matter which way you add, subtract, multiply or divide, the numbers will not come out in a way that makes these programs sustainable. When are liberals going to understand this? It isn't just Obamacare that the numbers won't work for, it's everything the man and his party want to do.
Somehow, we have to make people understand that no matter how you work the numbers, martian math just won't work here on Earth!
Monday, October 17, 2011
A New Student
Last week my human surprised me with the best gift ever! A new playmate. Patton is a six week old puppy that Candi brought home...she can't resist doggie faces! Immediately we sat down and had a discussion about the training of Patton. It had to be understood that he would also be educated in American history and civics!
"Shasta, you are worrying about nothing! Of course I'm going to teach Patton history and civics. Just like you, I want him to grow up to be a great TEA Party dog and one that supports the military," Candi told me.
I felt better right away. The best part about the whole thing, I get to help Candi teach Patton all the things he's going to need to know. WooHoo! I can't wait. Patton is going to be the best TEA Party dog ever and he's going to be a great help to Candi and Therapy Dogs International.
Now, when Candi and I have our political chats, we'll be teaching Patton about it. Isn't that exciting? What a great thing to be able to share ideas and shape the future. Candi has often said that we "teach by example". In other words, it isn't enough to say have to live it. Maybe together, we can help inspire others to pass along what they know.
Maybe we can also lead by example when we have a disagreement and subsequent debate. Wouldn't that be cool? After some of the debates we've witnessed between people on the same side, it would be nice to show that you can disagree without resorting to name calling and accusations.
Ladies and gentleman, I am embarking on a new adventure. An adventure full of learning and sharing. This is going to be FUN!!!!
"Shasta, you are worrying about nothing! Of course I'm going to teach Patton history and civics. Just like you, I want him to grow up to be a great TEA Party dog and one that supports the military," Candi told me.
I felt better right away. The best part about the whole thing, I get to help Candi teach Patton all the things he's going to need to know. WooHoo! I can't wait. Patton is going to be the best TEA Party dog ever and he's going to be a great help to Candi and Therapy Dogs International.
Now, when Candi and I have our political chats, we'll be teaching Patton about it. Isn't that exciting? What a great thing to be able to share ideas and shape the future. Candi has often said that we "teach by example". In other words, it isn't enough to say have to live it. Maybe together, we can help inspire others to pass along what they know.
Maybe we can also lead by example when we have a disagreement and subsequent debate. Wouldn't that be cool? After some of the debates we've witnessed between people on the same side, it would be nice to show that you can disagree without resorting to name calling and accusations.
Ladies and gentleman, I am embarking on a new adventure. An adventure full of learning and sharing. This is going to be FUN!!!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Being Seen Does Not Equal Being Effective
There is definitely more than one way to make your voice heard.
Candi is forever sending emails, making phone calls and signing petitions. She also attends rallies and demonstrations in support of smaller government and less spending. You may not see her and her friends on the news, but they are still making their voices heard in government.
On the other hand, you can congregate in large numbers and have sex on the street, do drugs, defecate on police cars, burn the American flag and bear your breasts to get the attention of the "lame stream media" without having a cohesive or coherent message.
Now, I ask you...which is more effective? The quiet and respectful, or the loud and obnoxious? I'm with my human on this and prefer the first!
When asked, "Where is the TEA Party?", my human responded with the truth. The TEA Party is quietly making it's voice heard through actions such as petitions, phone calls and emails. They are busy spreading the word via social networking sites and organizing rallies such as the one she attended in Nashville over the weekend. Just because you don't see them on the news, doesn't mean they aren't active.
To organize mass numbers to confront these "occupiers" would only result in escalating violence. Do we really want people killing each other on the streets of America? I think not. I may be a dog, but I know that violence is not the answer. And with Van Jones and Stephen Lerner actively encouraging these "occupy" people to invade the homes and terrify families of CEO's, along with forcefully occupying buildings, believe me...violence would ensue if large numbers showed up in an anti-protest.
Also, with members of Congress and Hollywood showing support for these "occupy" people, the main stream media would have no problem whatsoever convincing middle America that the TEA Party instigated the violence. Would we do more harm than good if we showed up enmasse to fight these hairy and unwashed people? Once again, I have to agree with my human in thinking that we would.
So here is my advice to those who think the TEA Party is silent now. Either make use of that computer you're sitting in front of and email your representative or put it away and make a phone call. It's easy to talk big on the social networking sites, it's a lot more difficult to put yourself out there and actually take action. For those unable to actively participate at rallies and so forth but are making calls and sending emails...well done! For those unwilling to do more than complain publicly and talk big via Facebook and Twitter...would you please get out of the way? There are those of us who are actually doing something and you're thwarting our progress!
Candi is forever sending emails, making phone calls and signing petitions. She also attends rallies and demonstrations in support of smaller government and less spending. You may not see her and her friends on the news, but they are still making their voices heard in government.
On the other hand, you can congregate in large numbers and have sex on the street, do drugs, defecate on police cars, burn the American flag and bear your breasts to get the attention of the "lame stream media" without having a cohesive or coherent message.
Now, I ask you...which is more effective? The quiet and respectful, or the loud and obnoxious? I'm with my human on this and prefer the first!
When asked, "Where is the TEA Party?", my human responded with the truth. The TEA Party is quietly making it's voice heard through actions such as petitions, phone calls and emails. They are busy spreading the word via social networking sites and organizing rallies such as the one she attended in Nashville over the weekend. Just because you don't see them on the news, doesn't mean they aren't active.
To organize mass numbers to confront these "occupiers" would only result in escalating violence. Do we really want people killing each other on the streets of America? I think not. I may be a dog, but I know that violence is not the answer. And with Van Jones and Stephen Lerner actively encouraging these "occupy" people to invade the homes and terrify families of CEO's, along with forcefully occupying buildings, believe me...violence would ensue if large numbers showed up in an anti-protest.
Also, with members of Congress and Hollywood showing support for these "occupy" people, the main stream media would have no problem whatsoever convincing middle America that the TEA Party instigated the violence. Would we do more harm than good if we showed up enmasse to fight these hairy and unwashed people? Once again, I have to agree with my human in thinking that we would.
So here is my advice to those who think the TEA Party is silent now. Either make use of that computer you're sitting in front of and email your representative or put it away and make a phone call. It's easy to talk big on the social networking sites, it's a lot more difficult to put yourself out there and actually take action. For those unable to actively participate at rallies and so forth but are making calls and sending emails...well done! For those unwilling to do more than complain publicly and talk big via Facebook and Twitter...would you please get out of the way? There are those of us who are actually doing something and you're thwarting our progress!
Monday, October 10, 2011
OWS and the TEA Party Movements
Today was one of those rare days when my human completely flipped out over some comments in the news. Now this doesn't happen very often, but when it out! When she begins to color the air blue with language, I sit back until she finally runs out of steam and then I go try to offer her some comfort. Today took longer than usual for her to run out of steam.
"Have these political analysts on the left completely lost their minds?" she jumped up and asked.
She then began to pace up and down cursing with such vehemence and volume, that any sailor would be proud. She ranted on and on about how stupid it was to compare the coherent message of cutting spending and smaller government of the TEA Party movement to the unclear and idiotic demands of the unwashed currently holding cities all over America hostage. Finally, she began to calm down and I trotted over to lay my head on her lap to comfort her.
"Candi, why are they comparing what those people are doing to what you and your friends stand for," I asked.
She looked down with great sadness in her eyes and said, "Because, Shasta, the liberal media and the liberals in Congress don't want to admit that they've messed up. They messed up when they forced Obamacare down our throats, they messed up with TARP and they're messing up with this insistence on funding 'green jobs' companies like Solyndra. And those three things only scrape the surface. They don't like the TEA Party demanding government get out of the way of the private sector. They can't control us and it terrifies them. But what made me so angry is the comparison. I've been to dozens of rallies and have NEVER seen the kind of behavior that theses 'occupiers' are exhibiting. To compare our rational and well behaved rallies to this demonstration where drugs are being openly used, people are defecating on police cars and American flags, and where the police are having to arrest hundreds is inexcusable to me."
Because I'm just a dog and don't fully understand I had to ask, "Why though? What is it that offends you the most?"
She took a deep breath, counted to ten and said, "The TEA Party stands for less government and fiscal responsibility. These 'occupy' people want big government and more spending. We stand and salute the flag at rallies. These people burn it and defecate on it. We stand peacefully listening to speakers or singing along. These people chant mindlessly the words of someone with a bull horn. We clean up after our rallies and put everything back where we found it. These people throw trash everywhere and make it impossible for anyone else to come in and pick it up. We have a cohesive and short message. These people take off their clothing and scream at buildings while holding up traffic. We quietly and methodically contact our representatives in an attempt to get what we want. These people scream and rant and rave until the media comes down with cameras and begins to sympathize with their plight. We have worked for what we have. They have lived off mom and dad. We take responsibility for our actions. They blame everyone else. The media loves to paint us as violent, although they have no proof of us being unruly or violent. They paint these people as peaceful, although there is ample evidence of their violence and hatred. I have a real issue with the media bias on this and trying to get middle class America on the side of these protestors by comparing them to the TEA Party movement. That is what I am so upset about tonight, Shasta."
I felt her pain and disgust at having the noble ideas and goals of the TEA Party movement compared to what these "occupiers" are doing. I can see in her eyes the sadness at the thought that her Patriotism is being related to the anti-American rants of the unwashed. Her total disappointment in elected officials condoning their vile behavior as opposed to condemning their public displays of drug use and sex was something I could not hide from. It is a horrible thing for a dog not to be able to comfort her human. But what comfort can I give her, when the country she loves so much is being handed to the socialists by the main-stream media.
When will middle America wake up and realize that they're being handed up like sacrificial lambs to the elite who would have them completely under control? What will it take for the average Joe to see that the TEA Party movement is based on constitutional principles and that the people participating are law abiding citizens just trying to keep America great? With comparisons like this one today, it will take even longer to undo the damage that is being done to this great country by the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Shultz, Stephen Lerner, Hoffa Jr., Obama and George Soros. In the meantime, all I can do is stand with my human and say, "Anyone who thinks the OWS movement and the TEA Party movement are the same has lost their mind! We suggest you put down your crack pipes, stop drinking the kool-aid and wake up before the very freedoms you grew up with are gone!"
"Have these political analysts on the left completely lost their minds?" she jumped up and asked.
She then began to pace up and down cursing with such vehemence and volume, that any sailor would be proud. She ranted on and on about how stupid it was to compare the coherent message of cutting spending and smaller government of the TEA Party movement to the unclear and idiotic demands of the unwashed currently holding cities all over America hostage. Finally, she began to calm down and I trotted over to lay my head on her lap to comfort her.
"Candi, why are they comparing what those people are doing to what you and your friends stand for," I asked.
She looked down with great sadness in her eyes and said, "Because, Shasta, the liberal media and the liberals in Congress don't want to admit that they've messed up. They messed up when they forced Obamacare down our throats, they messed up with TARP and they're messing up with this insistence on funding 'green jobs' companies like Solyndra. And those three things only scrape the surface. They don't like the TEA Party demanding government get out of the way of the private sector. They can't control us and it terrifies them. But what made me so angry is the comparison. I've been to dozens of rallies and have NEVER seen the kind of behavior that theses 'occupiers' are exhibiting. To compare our rational and well behaved rallies to this demonstration where drugs are being openly used, people are defecating on police cars and American flags, and where the police are having to arrest hundreds is inexcusable to me."
Because I'm just a dog and don't fully understand I had to ask, "Why though? What is it that offends you the most?"
She took a deep breath, counted to ten and said, "The TEA Party stands for less government and fiscal responsibility. These 'occupy' people want big government and more spending. We stand and salute the flag at rallies. These people burn it and defecate on it. We stand peacefully listening to speakers or singing along. These people chant mindlessly the words of someone with a bull horn. We clean up after our rallies and put everything back where we found it. These people throw trash everywhere and make it impossible for anyone else to come in and pick it up. We have a cohesive and short message. These people take off their clothing and scream at buildings while holding up traffic. We quietly and methodically contact our representatives in an attempt to get what we want. These people scream and rant and rave until the media comes down with cameras and begins to sympathize with their plight. We have worked for what we have. They have lived off mom and dad. We take responsibility for our actions. They blame everyone else. The media loves to paint us as violent, although they have no proof of us being unruly or violent. They paint these people as peaceful, although there is ample evidence of their violence and hatred. I have a real issue with the media bias on this and trying to get middle class America on the side of these protestors by comparing them to the TEA Party movement. That is what I am so upset about tonight, Shasta."
I felt her pain and disgust at having the noble ideas and goals of the TEA Party movement compared to what these "occupiers" are doing. I can see in her eyes the sadness at the thought that her Patriotism is being related to the anti-American rants of the unwashed. Her total disappointment in elected officials condoning their vile behavior as opposed to condemning their public displays of drug use and sex was something I could not hide from. It is a horrible thing for a dog not to be able to comfort her human. But what comfort can I give her, when the country she loves so much is being handed to the socialists by the main-stream media.
When will middle America wake up and realize that they're being handed up like sacrificial lambs to the elite who would have them completely under control? What will it take for the average Joe to see that the TEA Party movement is based on constitutional principles and that the people participating are law abiding citizens just trying to keep America great? With comparisons like this one today, it will take even longer to undo the damage that is being done to this great country by the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Shultz, Stephen Lerner, Hoffa Jr., Obama and George Soros. In the meantime, all I can do is stand with my human and say, "Anyone who thinks the OWS movement and the TEA Party movement are the same has lost their mind! We suggest you put down your crack pipes, stop drinking the kool-aid and wake up before the very freedoms you grew up with are gone!"
American people,
TEA party
Respectful Versus Disrespectful and Dogs
On Friday, my human left me behind while she went to Nashville for the "We Stand With Gibson" rally. Naturally I was disappointed at being left behind, but I did understand the reasons for it. Saturday evening she came home and after about twenty minutes of showing her how happy I was at her return, she went to get ready to head back out. We didn't have any time to talk about her trip or the rally. So yesterday, we spent the entire day cuddled on the sofa watching old movies and chatting about the rally and other events that were taking place during the weekend.
I told her about the coverage of the OWS I watched on TV and she told me about the various artists performing at the rally. I told her about the struggle I had trying to use the Netbook and she told me about the rude person next to her at the hotel. After a day spent discussing such things I came to a few conclusions.
One, according to liberals, my human is free to work hard as long she supports others that are unwilling to work. As long as she isn't free-thinking enough to assume that what she earns is hers and doesn't belong to the village, they will let her go about her business uninterrupted or challenged.
Two, she is free to protest anything she wants as long as she is unruly, defecates on police vehicles and shows a total lack of respect for the environment they are so concerned about. It is unseemly for her to attend a peaceful demonstration in support of hard work, American ingenuity and job creation such as the "We Stand With Gibson" rally in Nashville.
Three, she is free to worship however she chooses, as long as it isn't Christian worship. Heaven forbid that she believe in God and the Ten Commandments. She must choose to worship in the ways the ACLU deems best or risk being ostracized and sued by our government.
She is also free to attend any gathering where they don't sing the national anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance first. The fact that most TEA Party events do begin with showing respect to our country is something that drives the ACLU up a wall, and we can't have that! Lord knows we don't want to offend anyone by proudly standing with our hand over hearts and reciting the Pledge!
I find it interesting that my human would be told "God bless you for what you're doing" by the liberals if she were showing her breasts or showing disrespect for anyone in authority. But showing respect and love for her country and the freedoms it was founded on gets her called ugly names and ostracized by the "intellectuals" of our time. How is it possible that thinking for herself is condemned but the mindless chants of a crowd are applauded?
"Shasta, don't worry so much about what the liberal left thinks. The simple fact is, my friends and I are obviously doing something right. If we weren't, we wouldn't be under attack the way we are," she told me.
"Well be that as it may, I think the liberal left needs to get a sense of humor as well as some common decency. They need to understand that their unwashed bodies, public use of drugs and unruly behavior is doing nothing but making them look ridiculous and childish. Even dogs behave better than that!"
I may walk around on four legs, go to the bathroom outside in the woods and depend on my human for fundamental needs, but even I know that the liberal left has NO clue what it means to be patriotic. They obviously have great disdain for anyone seeking to protect the very things that made this country great. And by that very reasoning my last conclusion after talking with my human is this: I'd rather be a dog and have the love of my neighbors than be a joke and disgrace to my country.
I told her about the coverage of the OWS I watched on TV and she told me about the various artists performing at the rally. I told her about the struggle I had trying to use the Netbook and she told me about the rude person next to her at the hotel. After a day spent discussing such things I came to a few conclusions.
One, according to liberals, my human is free to work hard as long she supports others that are unwilling to work. As long as she isn't free-thinking enough to assume that what she earns is hers and doesn't belong to the village, they will let her go about her business uninterrupted or challenged.
Two, she is free to protest anything she wants as long as she is unruly, defecates on police vehicles and shows a total lack of respect for the environment they are so concerned about. It is unseemly for her to attend a peaceful demonstration in support of hard work, American ingenuity and job creation such as the "We Stand With Gibson" rally in Nashville.
Three, she is free to worship however she chooses, as long as it isn't Christian worship. Heaven forbid that she believe in God and the Ten Commandments. She must choose to worship in the ways the ACLU deems best or risk being ostracized and sued by our government.
She is also free to attend any gathering where they don't sing the national anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance first. The fact that most TEA Party events do begin with showing respect to our country is something that drives the ACLU up a wall, and we can't have that! Lord knows we don't want to offend anyone by proudly standing with our hand over hearts and reciting the Pledge!
I find it interesting that my human would be told "God bless you for what you're doing" by the liberals if she were showing her breasts or showing disrespect for anyone in authority. But showing respect and love for her country and the freedoms it was founded on gets her called ugly names and ostracized by the "intellectuals" of our time. How is it possible that thinking for herself is condemned but the mindless chants of a crowd are applauded?
"Shasta, don't worry so much about what the liberal left thinks. The simple fact is, my friends and I are obviously doing something right. If we weren't, we wouldn't be under attack the way we are," she told me.
"Well be that as it may, I think the liberal left needs to get a sense of humor as well as some common decency. They need to understand that their unwashed bodies, public use of drugs and unruly behavior is doing nothing but making them look ridiculous and childish. Even dogs behave better than that!"
I may walk around on four legs, go to the bathroom outside in the woods and depend on my human for fundamental needs, but even I know that the liberal left has NO clue what it means to be patriotic. They obviously have great disdain for anyone seeking to protect the very things that made this country great. And by that very reasoning my last conclusion after talking with my human is this: I'd rather be a dog and have the love of my neighbors than be a joke and disgrace to my country.
Friday, October 7, 2011
OWS "Young, Spontaneous And Focused"....LMFBO
Today my human was on the road for most of the day and I was left behind to try and figure out how to use a very small Netbook. This has not gone well since I have large paws and already have difficulty typing. Finally, I get an email out to her asking her to call and when she did I immediately asked, "Did you hear about Pelosi saying the Occupy Wall Street protestors were young, spontaneous and focused?" I waited patiently while she laughed hysterically.
After a few minutes Candi told me that was one of the funniest things she'd heard all day. Then she sent me a link to an article about the protestors and how nasty they were. Now I ask you, how can they be spontaneous and focused when they have pitched a tent city in a public park? That doesn't make sense to me. And how in the world can they be focused if everyone has a different message when being interviewed by the left-wing media in love with them? I don't think either of those things are possible.
I can agree with one thing Pelosi said. They are young. Unlike the TEA Party crowd made up mostly of "grown-ups", this crowd has made an enormous mess of Zucotti Park in NYC. Their tent city has prevented the park owner from properly maintaining the property since September 16th. As a result, trash is piling up, the park hasn't been pressure washed and what few facilities there are for people to "relieve themselves" hasn't been cleaned. Only the young would go for weeks without a shower or brushing their teeth, throw trash around everywhere and then deficate in facilities that are definitely unclean. My one thought, ewwwwwwwwwwww! Even I go look for a clean place in the woods to my business and I'm a dog!
"Candi, do they not realize how gross their behavior is? Do they not realize that their selfishness has shut down a park that others would like to enjoy? Even after they pack up and go home, the mess they will leave behind will probably take days to clean up."
"Shasta, these occupiers are young and they are selfish. They are protesting the very things that their parents took advantage of to give THEM those ivy league educations, I-Phones and I-Pads and every other material possession they have received without actually having had to work for them. They have no idea what it is they're protesting or why. They only know that if they walk around for weeks without showering or brushing their teeth, the left-wing media will come out and give them attention."
"Well dang, Candi. If they wanted attention, why don't they do what I do? I trot up to you, sit at your feet and stare until you reach down and scratch me behind the ears. I have no need to leave Obamas all over the house, or pull out the trash can to drag the contents all over the place. I just politely tell you what I need and you give it to me."
"Shasta, you've been raised right and these people have been raised by the "village" liberals are so fond of. That is the difference!"
"Point taken. By the way, Candi, I'm very upset with you for leaving me behind while you go off to have fun in Nashville at the Stand With Gibson rally. I may have to start my own occupy protest to let you know what I think of you're insensitivity even though you have provided for my needs while you're away."
After Candi stopped giggling at my last comment, she said goodbye and told me to have fun with Amy and that she'd be home tomorrow night. Ah well, I guess I'll go back to contemplating the idiocy of liberal ideas. Ya'll have a good weekend.
LMFBO stands for Laughing My Furry Butt Off
After a few minutes Candi told me that was one of the funniest things she'd heard all day. Then she sent me a link to an article about the protestors and how nasty they were. Now I ask you, how can they be spontaneous and focused when they have pitched a tent city in a public park? That doesn't make sense to me. And how in the world can they be focused if everyone has a different message when being interviewed by the left-wing media in love with them? I don't think either of those things are possible.
I can agree with one thing Pelosi said. They are young. Unlike the TEA Party crowd made up mostly of "grown-ups", this crowd has made an enormous mess of Zucotti Park in NYC. Their tent city has prevented the park owner from properly maintaining the property since September 16th. As a result, trash is piling up, the park hasn't been pressure washed and what few facilities there are for people to "relieve themselves" hasn't been cleaned. Only the young would go for weeks without a shower or brushing their teeth, throw trash around everywhere and then deficate in facilities that are definitely unclean. My one thought, ewwwwwwwwwwww! Even I go look for a clean place in the woods to my business and I'm a dog!
"Candi, do they not realize how gross their behavior is? Do they not realize that their selfishness has shut down a park that others would like to enjoy? Even after they pack up and go home, the mess they will leave behind will probably take days to clean up."
"Shasta, these occupiers are young and they are selfish. They are protesting the very things that their parents took advantage of to give THEM those ivy league educations, I-Phones and I-Pads and every other material possession they have received without actually having had to work for them. They have no idea what it is they're protesting or why. They only know that if they walk around for weeks without showering or brushing their teeth, the left-wing media will come out and give them attention."
"Well dang, Candi. If they wanted attention, why don't they do what I do? I trot up to you, sit at your feet and stare until you reach down and scratch me behind the ears. I have no need to leave Obamas all over the house, or pull out the trash can to drag the contents all over the place. I just politely tell you what I need and you give it to me."
"Shasta, you've been raised right and these people have been raised by the "village" liberals are so fond of. That is the difference!"
"Point taken. By the way, Candi, I'm very upset with you for leaving me behind while you go off to have fun in Nashville at the Stand With Gibson rally. I may have to start my own occupy protest to let you know what I think of you're insensitivity even though you have provided for my needs while you're away."
After Candi stopped giggling at my last comment, she said goodbye and told me to have fun with Amy and that she'd be home tomorrow night. Ah well, I guess I'll go back to contemplating the idiocy of liberal ideas. Ya'll have a good weekend.
LMFBO stands for Laughing My Furry Butt Off
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I Love My Radical Friends
My human and I love "tongue-in-cheek" discussions of politics. If you can't find the humor in the idiocy, we need to talk! Every day we search the web for content that makes us giggle AND think about the state of our country. Yesterday, we came across a song written and performed by Jeannie Hinck on entitled "Grandma Is A Radical". We loved it!
One of the things I love most about my human is her ability to laugh at herself. So, when she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "Don't you think this song would be perfect for my grandchildren to play at my funeral," I couldn't help but roll over in the floor laughing. I also can't help but think that future generations will be referring back to this song where my other radical friends are concerned.
Candi, our friends, and I may not be able to refer to our grandmas as radicals, but you can bet your sweet cheeks that our descendants will definitely be able to refer to us that When you get a moment, click on the following link to Jeannie's page on bigdawgmusicmafia and take a look/listen to "Grandma Is A Radical". I can almost guarantee you'll smile and think about future generations playing that in honor of my human and my radical friends. God Bless them all!
One of the things I love most about my human is her ability to laugh at herself. So, when she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "Don't you think this song would be perfect for my grandchildren to play at my funeral," I couldn't help but roll over in the floor laughing. I also can't help but think that future generations will be referring back to this song where my other radical friends are concerned.
Candi, our friends, and I may not be able to refer to our grandmas as radicals, but you can bet your sweet cheeks that our descendants will definitely be able to refer to us that When you get a moment, click on the following link to Jeannie's page on bigdawgmusicmafia and take a look/listen to "Grandma Is A Radical". I can almost guarantee you'll smile and think about future generations playing that in honor of my human and my radical friends. God Bless them all!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Great Compromiser? More Like Great Useful Idiot!
While watching the morning news with my human this morning, we heard that the President refers to himself as "the great compromiser". Excuse me a few moments while I try to stop laughing. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Ok, I'm done now.
First, let me remind everyone that thanks to princess Pelosi's help, healthcare reform of the worst kind was rammed down our throats. Candi said it best, I think. "Exactly when did they compromise on that? I remember them buying votes, and I remember Pelosi telling us we'd have to pass it to find out what's in it. What I don't remember is the liberals compromising!" At this time we'd like to refer you to former Senator Blanche Lincoln from Arkansas. Her vote was bought, they did NOT compromise with her. Just saying!
Second, in this last "jobs plan" bill, Obama has repeatedly said "pass this bill". The White House also made it clear that they would only accept "all or nothing". So...explain to me where the compromise is? We are hearing constantly about their compromise and how Obama is a "uniter". Sorry...Candi and I just aren't buying that.
While we were sitting in the living room watching the news and sipping our morning coffee, Candi started to giggle. "What is so funny," I asked.
"Remember yesterday when I came home and showed you that political definition from wikipedia? You know...the useful idiots definition?"
"Well, I know that the term was at one time described Communist sympathizers in the U.S. and how the Soviets laughed at those people, but stop and think about it, Shasta. Doesn't it also described our current administration? We know that the White House is full of socialists. And we know that they don't want to compromise while trying to pass their socialist agenda. Doesn't it make sense that they're like those same "useful idiots" we read about yesterday?"
As I thought about it for a few moments, I came to the decision that those in the current administration are, in fact, useful idiots. I giggled as I trotted away to get some paper and markers. When I came back I surprised my human with a sign that said, "Make Obama A One Term Useful Idiot!"
Candi immediately rewarded me with several treats, a good belly rub and a new bone to chew on!
First, let me remind everyone that thanks to princess Pelosi's help, healthcare reform of the worst kind was rammed down our throats. Candi said it best, I think. "Exactly when did they compromise on that? I remember them buying votes, and I remember Pelosi telling us we'd have to pass it to find out what's in it. What I don't remember is the liberals compromising!" At this time we'd like to refer you to former Senator Blanche Lincoln from Arkansas. Her vote was bought, they did NOT compromise with her. Just saying!
Second, in this last "jobs plan" bill, Obama has repeatedly said "pass this bill". The White House also made it clear that they would only accept "all or nothing". So...explain to me where the compromise is? We are hearing constantly about their compromise and how Obama is a "uniter". Sorry...Candi and I just aren't buying that.
While we were sitting in the living room watching the news and sipping our morning coffee, Candi started to giggle. "What is so funny," I asked.
"Remember yesterday when I came home and showed you that political definition from wikipedia? You know...the useful idiots definition?"
"Well, I know that the term was at one time described Communist sympathizers in the U.S. and how the Soviets laughed at those people, but stop and think about it, Shasta. Doesn't it also described our current administration? We know that the White House is full of socialists. And we know that they don't want to compromise while trying to pass their socialist agenda. Doesn't it make sense that they're like those same "useful idiots" we read about yesterday?"
As I thought about it for a few moments, I came to the decision that those in the current administration are, in fact, useful idiots. I giggled as I trotted away to get some paper and markers. When I came back I surprised my human with a sign that said, "Make Obama A One Term Useful Idiot!"
Candi immediately rewarded me with several treats, a good belly rub and a new bone to chew on!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
You Shouldn't Bite The Hand That Feeds You
Last night, Candi and I were sitting here reading about former White House advisor Van Jones telling the left to "steal" TEA Party strategy. It confused me why he would suggest such a thing when he obviously thinks very little of the TEA party people. Why would an admitted socialist suggest stealing the strategy of his enemy? Hmmm....I know I'm just a dog, but really! This made no sense to me.
"Shasta, the reason Mr. Jones would suggest such a thing to his followers is because the TEA Party has had a major effect on politics today. It terrifies "progressives" like him that our influence is NOT waning, but growing."
I thought about that for a moment and still it didn't make any sense. So I asked, "Well then why does he applaud the Wall Street occupiers and their silly demonstrations? We've already seen that those people have no cohesive goal or even realize exactly what it is that they're protesting."
"Van Jones realizes that, unlike those protesters, we are NOT trying to bite the hand that feeds us. We come together very calmly and peacefully to make a statement. The people on Wall Street are protesting the very things that they voted for when they voted for progressives."
"Well that's kind of silly, don't you think? I mean, it would be foolish of me to growl or bite at you when you are the one I am dependent upon. That's what those protesters are doing, isn't it? And that's why Van Jones is saying the things he is. He wants these people to settle down instead of nipping at them. Right?"
"Yes, Shasta. On one hand, he advocates violent outbursts and rioting, but at the same time Mr. Jones is afraid of them. It will ruin everything his socialist agenda is about. The progressives are losing control of the very "dogs" they're trying to train to be dependent upon government. You can't have socialism or communism without having complete control of the people."
"I see," I said. "I think I get it now. What he was really telling people was, you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. You should settle down and follow like the well trained puppies we expect you to be. He wants them to be violent against us, but to follow them blindly. Am I right?"
"You know Shasta, I think you're a very smart dog," Candi said as she patted my head and scratched me behind the ears.
"Shasta, the reason Mr. Jones would suggest such a thing to his followers is because the TEA Party has had a major effect on politics today. It terrifies "progressives" like him that our influence is NOT waning, but growing."
I thought about that for a moment and still it didn't make any sense. So I asked, "Well then why does he applaud the Wall Street occupiers and their silly demonstrations? We've already seen that those people have no cohesive goal or even realize exactly what it is that they're protesting."
"Van Jones realizes that, unlike those protesters, we are NOT trying to bite the hand that feeds us. We come together very calmly and peacefully to make a statement. The people on Wall Street are protesting the very things that they voted for when they voted for progressives."
"Well that's kind of silly, don't you think? I mean, it would be foolish of me to growl or bite at you when you are the one I am dependent upon. That's what those protesters are doing, isn't it? And that's why Van Jones is saying the things he is. He wants these people to settle down instead of nipping at them. Right?"
"Yes, Shasta. On one hand, he advocates violent outbursts and rioting, but at the same time Mr. Jones is afraid of them. It will ruin everything his socialist agenda is about. The progressives are losing control of the very "dogs" they're trying to train to be dependent upon government. You can't have socialism or communism without having complete control of the people."
"I see," I said. "I think I get it now. What he was really telling people was, you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. You should settle down and follow like the well trained puppies we expect you to be. He wants them to be violent against us, but to follow them blindly. Am I right?"
"You know Shasta, I think you're a very smart dog," Candi said as she patted my head and scratched me behind the ears.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Open Letter To The "Occupy" Protesters
Dear Morons:
That's right...I'm calling you a name. Want to know why? Because you obviously don't understand that the very things you're supposedly protesting are the very rules and regulations put in place by the people you voted for! Let's take a look at it.
First, Wall Street being in bed with big government. I recall Obama being backed heavily by those Wall Street firms in 2008. Did you forget about that? And wasn't it the Clintons who put in place policies to help people who couldn't afford home loans to get them? I think it was. Oh my gosh, the very people you support are the very people you are now protesting. But wait, if you had taken time to actually pay attention to what was going on in government BEFORE, you'd know that already!
Second, the very reason healthcare costs are increasing is because of the absurd Obamacare plan. That's right! Ask any business person or health insurance company and they'll show you the numbers of what it's going to cost them to comply with Obamacare. Did you really think that the cost wouldn't be passed on to consumers? Really? What planet have you been on? Oh wait, that's're headline readers and don't feel like taking the time to actually research anything on your own. Therefore, you just take the word of others (the media) that conservatives are wrong. Yeah...and you guys are SUPPOSEDLY the educated party.
Last, high unemployment. Yeah, at the time the economy collapsed we had a Republican President. With that being said, the White House is only 1/3 of government. Congress, which was run by the Democrats, actually are the ones who control the purse strings in government. They are the ones who pass legislation and spend our money. So if no jobs are available because businesses are running scared due to the ridiculous legislation passed by this body, is that really the fault of Republicans? I'm not holding them innocent, but they were woefully outnumbered in the House and the Senate for many years. Just want you to know that. You may want to look at Pelosi and Reid and their records to see how they affected the current high unemployment.
Let me ask you people, who is the bigger fool? The fool himself, or the person who blindly follows the fool without question? You don't even really know what you're protesting, but does that bother you? No! Listen, do the world a favor and take a little time to study the facts. If at that point you still want to take off your clothes, block bridges and disrupt traffic, and chant stupid slogans, I'll support you in that right. But until you take the time to study the issues from ALL angles: SHUT UP AND GO HOME!!!!!!
As for the name calling...doesn't feel good does it? You continue to call me and my human racists and other nasty names...we're going to keep calling you morons! Just letting you know is all!
That's right...I'm calling you a name. Want to know why? Because you obviously don't understand that the very things you're supposedly protesting are the very rules and regulations put in place by the people you voted for! Let's take a look at it.
First, Wall Street being in bed with big government. I recall Obama being backed heavily by those Wall Street firms in 2008. Did you forget about that? And wasn't it the Clintons who put in place policies to help people who couldn't afford home loans to get them? I think it was. Oh my gosh, the very people you support are the very people you are now protesting. But wait, if you had taken time to actually pay attention to what was going on in government BEFORE, you'd know that already!
Second, the very reason healthcare costs are increasing is because of the absurd Obamacare plan. That's right! Ask any business person or health insurance company and they'll show you the numbers of what it's going to cost them to comply with Obamacare. Did you really think that the cost wouldn't be passed on to consumers? Really? What planet have you been on? Oh wait, that's're headline readers and don't feel like taking the time to actually research anything on your own. Therefore, you just take the word of others (the media) that conservatives are wrong. Yeah...and you guys are SUPPOSEDLY the educated party.
Last, high unemployment. Yeah, at the time the economy collapsed we had a Republican President. With that being said, the White House is only 1/3 of government. Congress, which was run by the Democrats, actually are the ones who control the purse strings in government. They are the ones who pass legislation and spend our money. So if no jobs are available because businesses are running scared due to the ridiculous legislation passed by this body, is that really the fault of Republicans? I'm not holding them innocent, but they were woefully outnumbered in the House and the Senate for many years. Just want you to know that. You may want to look at Pelosi and Reid and their records to see how they affected the current high unemployment.
Let me ask you people, who is the bigger fool? The fool himself, or the person who blindly follows the fool without question? You don't even really know what you're protesting, but does that bother you? No! Listen, do the world a favor and take a little time to study the facts. If at that point you still want to take off your clothes, block bridges and disrupt traffic, and chant stupid slogans, I'll support you in that right. But until you take the time to study the issues from ALL angles: SHUT UP AND GO HOME!!!!!!
As for the name calling...doesn't feel good does it? You continue to call me and my human racists and other nasty names...we're going to keep calling you morons! Just letting you know is all!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Open Letter To Janeane Garofalo
Dear Ms. Garofalo:
My human tells me that it is common for women to be compared to the female of my species. This is often done by using the "B" word when describing their attitude. The last few days I've heard several people refer to you as this very thing. I didn't understand why, until Candi explained that it was describing your very unhappy attitude and your vulgar language. So I'm telling you now...SHUT UP; SHAVE YOUR PITS AND LEGS; WASH YOUR NASTY GREASY HAIR; PUT YOUR BRA BACK ON; AND COVER UP ALL THOSE EXTREMELY UGLY TATTOOS! You're insane accusations and uninformed viewpoints are giving my species a bad name and I don't appreciate it!
This is your one and only warning. After this, if you continue your idiotic rants I will be forced to come drop a huge Obama in every pair of shoes you own!
My human tells me that it is common for women to be compared to the female of my species. This is often done by using the "B" word when describing their attitude. The last few days I've heard several people refer to you as this very thing. I didn't understand why, until Candi explained that it was describing your very unhappy attitude and your vulgar language. So I'm telling you now...SHUT UP; SHAVE YOUR PITS AND LEGS; WASH YOUR NASTY GREASY HAIR; PUT YOUR BRA BACK ON; AND COVER UP ALL THOSE EXTREMELY UGLY TATTOOS! You're insane accusations and uninformed viewpoints are giving my species a bad name and I don't appreciate it!
This is your one and only warning. After this, if you continue your idiotic rants I will be forced to come drop a huge Obama in every pair of shoes you own!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Where Are The Christians?
Today my human was chatting with a couple of members of a group on Facebook and a link to an article was posted. The article was about conservatives seeking another Ronald Reagan-esque candidate and being sorely disappointed. It also mentioned it being too much to ask of God to send us another Reagan. This naturally led to a discussion about the role of Christians in politics. As Candi, read the comments to me, I thought that her and her friends made sense, BUT I also wanted a little clarification to a few comments. So, I asked my human and her friends to explain to me exactly what they were saying about their view on Christians and their involvement in politics.
I decided to start with Ana Claire, who is in the ministry. "Ana, why do you feel Christians are lazy and as a result, responsible for the moral decay in America?"
"Well Shasta, week in and week out I see our members listening to the minister and applauding his sermon. During the week I see them sitting idly by while waiting for that same minister to "do it all". Agreeing with a message and acting on a message are two entirely different things. I feel that Christians, as a rule, have gotten too lazy to do more than show up for service, applaud when they agree and then go home to never give it another thought. How can we expect the morals in our country to NOT be in decline when we aren't willing to stand up and say something when we see something wrong?"
I have to say, Ana Claire has a point. Candi has often said that people in her dad's churches are always talking about what they should do, but never actually do anything. They talk about how bad it is, but they don't stand up for what is right.
When I asked Michael about his comment that, "Many Christians have nothing better to do than judge petty external issues and they wonder why the church is irreverent to modern American society. " He explained it like this:
"Shasta, as a Marine and police officer, I have had experience with the dregs of society, as well as Christians. Very often I hear them condemning the behavior of criminals and others, but seldom do they do anything beyond that. I think that Christians need to get off their high horses, and lead by example rather than sitting idly by."
Wow...good point, Michael. I've heard Candi say, "If I had a dime for every time I'm judged or have been judged by someone in church, I could pay off the national debt AND restore the social security trust-fund."
Now my human's sister is a minister and Candi has great respect for her. She posted the following on the church's Facebook page:
I decided to start with Ana Claire, who is in the ministry. "Ana, why do you feel Christians are lazy and as a result, responsible for the moral decay in America?"
"Well Shasta, week in and week out I see our members listening to the minister and applauding his sermon. During the week I see them sitting idly by while waiting for that same minister to "do it all". Agreeing with a message and acting on a message are two entirely different things. I feel that Christians, as a rule, have gotten too lazy to do more than show up for service, applaud when they agree and then go home to never give it another thought. How can we expect the morals in our country to NOT be in decline when we aren't willing to stand up and say something when we see something wrong?"
I have to say, Ana Claire has a point. Candi has often said that people in her dad's churches are always talking about what they should do, but never actually do anything. They talk about how bad it is, but they don't stand up for what is right.
When I asked Michael about his comment that, "Many Christians have nothing better to do than judge petty external issues and they wonder why the church is irreverent to modern American society. " He explained it like this:
"Shasta, as a Marine and police officer, I have had experience with the dregs of society, as well as Christians. Very often I hear them condemning the behavior of criminals and others, but seldom do they do anything beyond that. I think that Christians need to get off their high horses, and lead by example rather than sitting idly by."
Wow...good point, Michael. I've heard Candi say, "If I had a dime for every time I'm judged or have been judged by someone in church, I could pay off the national debt AND restore the social security trust-fund."
Now my human's sister is a minister and Candi has great respect for her. She posted the following on the church's Facebook page:
Sometimes a caravan of travelers will be in the dusty, hot, dry desert, and about to perish for need of water. When this happens they will let one of the camels go. The instincts in the camel will lead him to refreshing waters. When the animal moves nearly out of sight one of the men will mount his camel and follow. When he is about to be out of sight another will do the same. When the camel ...discovers the water the man following on the camel will turn and wave to the second; the second to the third, and so on, until everyone has gathered at the fresh water.
This reminds me of the Scripture about the Pentecost outpouring. “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38).
This reminds me of the Scripture about the Pentecost outpouring. “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38).
Candi felt the analogy of the camel was somehwat appropriate to today's political climate as well as religious climate. I wondered why and I asked her.
"Shasta, the very article that led to the religious discussion in our group is very similar to this analogy. Americans are looking for the right camel to send out in search of water. With that being said, what are Christians doing to find that camel? They're praying! That's it...they're not actively looking for that courageous camel that will strike out on it's own and search for the source of help. No...they're too busy doing other sitting in judgement of others, showing up for church but then going home to take a Sunday afternoon nap, and complaining that God has not sent them a savior for the country."
"But Candi, isn't praying what they should be doing?" I asked.
"Yes Shasta, but ask Ana Claire or my sister to name a single miracle in the Bible that God did NOT require some sort of action on the the part of the human asking for the miracle."
I think I finally got it. Between the three of them I see the problem. So here is my solution: Christians, after you've spent time seeking God's wisdom, get up off those knees and get to work. If you want God to move on behalf of this country, step out on faith and demand that our government pay attention. I'm a dog and I know that God requires you to step out on faith when you ask for something!
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