"Shasta, you know you're doing something right when you're making someone mad. That's exactly what the ladies of PolitiChicks have done today," Candi said to me tonight.
"What is PolitiChicks," I asked.
"It's a new show that debuted today via YouTube and patriotupdate.com. It stars four very lovely and talented ladies talking about current events and the political climate in America," she told me.
I asked Candi if we could watch and she gladly obliged me by clicking the play button. It was exactly the kind of show we enjoy most. Humorous while getting to the truth at the heart of the matter. Candi read the comments from viewers and all I could think was, "And they call TEA Party members 'hatemongers' and racists". The language some of these "enlightened" liberals used was a show of just how limited their minds really are. Candi is forever telling me that if I have to resort to name calling and foul language, I don't have an argument. Clearly these left-wing ideologs don't have an argument or they would have phrased their displeasure in a way that we wouldn't have to send Patton from the room.
So ladies, we say keep on keeping on. We're behind you all the way and we're going to promote it every chance we get. It is patriots like you that are going to put this country back on the right path and we appreciate your efforts!
Take a look at the video, click the like button and show those "hatemongering" liberals that we aren't going to drink their "kool-aid" anymore.
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