Thursday, September 13, 2012

Defending The Pack

My human was discussing the “victim mentality” that seems to have taken over this country with a friend today.  I almost threw up my breakfast when I heard her friend say, “While on a mommy discussion board, I was amazed at the majority stating they didn’t think they could resort to violence to defend themselves or those they loved.”  Seriously people?  As a canine, I can’t fathom NOT defending my human against any and all evil.  It is as foreign a concept to me as cats being able to talk.

I honestly believe that humans could learn a few things from canine behavior.  For example, wolves mate for life and the pups never leave the pack.  Why do you think that is?  Because there is safety in numbers and we are much stronger together than we would ever be alone.  Because we know that we have each other’s back when there is trouble.  And we don’t go looking for trouble, but when trouble finds us we stand and defend what is ours.

These attacks on American embassies around the world have me seriously worried about the lack of steel in the spines of our leaders.  Yes I know that Obama is an apologist who sees America’s success as a thing to be ashamed of, but when did the rest of America decide to roll over and play dead?  I just don’t get it.  You people need to stand and defend what is good and right in the world.  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are most definitely worth the fight.

I listen to Gadi Adelman with my human every Thursday night.  And every week when he posts his article, she reads it to Patton and I.  Would you like to know what I’ve learned from Mr. Adelman?  I’ve learned that muslims don’t need an excuse to attack Americans.  Our very existence and the things we stand for is enough to make them angry.  And after hearing of their “prophet” doing things no human being should ever do, I have to say that I would have attacked him to if he had entered my human’s dwelling place.  Because I believe no one person has the right to tell another how to live, what and what not to eat and/or wear, and certainly does not have the right to wage war just because others disagree with his/her point of view.

The attacks on Americans this week have been planned and/or coincided with the anniversary of 9/11.  There is no doubt in my canine mind about that.  But there is also no doubt that more will come if Americans don’t stand up and demand that government perform one of its most fundamental tasks as set forth in the Constitution.  And that task is “to provide for the common defense”.  The current administration is not fulfilling their Constitutional duty with their continued apologies and refusal to face the problem and deal with it.

Tonight I will once again say a prayer for those that lost their lives, those that were left behind, and those who will eventually stand in the gap for our freedoms.  I will pray for those that have stood on the wall, those that are standing there now, and those who will stand there in the future to protect Americans.  And I will pray for those who would ask these brave men and women to do so without proper ammunition and no way to properly defend those they were asked to defend.  I will also stand by my human’s side as she demands those in power to properly equip and train those that protect us.  I will stand with her as she cries out to America to stop being a victim.  And I will proudly stand with her pack as we do our best to defend our country and our families.  Will you?

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