I cannot for the life of me understand why people are so eager
to start quoting ONE scripture from the Bible without referencing what comes
before or after. Of all the books my
human has read to me, the Bible is one in which I KNOW you must use more than
just one scripture to understand what is being said. You have to take in and absorb the ENTIRE
context of what is being discussed. What
is so bleeding difficult about that?

I agree with her on most things but there is one thing she
said last night that will stick with me for the rest of my life. “How can I believe what you say regarding
another ‘religion’ when you can’t even understand your own any better than
that?” She has a valid point. Why would I trust anyone’s thoughts or
opinions on another belief system if I know for a fact that they haven’t
studied their own beliefs and therefore don’t understand why they believe what
they do.
This philosophy is used in our home regarding ALL things, but
especially religion and politics. It isn’t
enough to only go with what “feels good” or what we “want to hear”, we are
encouraged to go beyond that and into the realm of uncomfortable so that we can
discover the real truth for ourselves.
We are not allowed to just regurgitate information or even “cherry pick”
what we like.

Here is a little canine advice for all of you. Before you speak on one subject from one
viewpoint…make sure you understand your point of view first. I guarantee that if you do your own research,
study and/or ask for help from an expert, people will be more willing to listen
to you because you’ll have more credibility.
I swear humans could definitely use a little more canine common sense!