My human says that we live in a ‘red county’ but that it means
little anymore. She’s pretty peeved
right now that there are no Fourth of July celebrations planned. No parade, no fireworks display, no live
bands playing patriotic music…nothing, nada, zilch! Yep, the Ponytail Patriot is fired up about
Even I, a mere canine, know how lucky we are to live in
America. So why aren’t we celebrating
the birthday of our beloved country.
It’s because the politicians in control don’t want to offend illegal
aliens or ethnicities that are living here.
That’s right, I said it. The few and illegal
are dictating to the rest what we will and will not celebrate. Oh, they use the excuse that it’s because
it’s during the middle of the week but I’m not buying it. They could do like other communities and have
their celebrations on the weekend before or after! Conservative and Liberals alike are too
afraid of offending a potential voter to do the right thing.
That is why we have to be diligent in vetting our candidates
for all levels of elected government. We
must know that they will stand up for what is right. Just like Candi must be diligent in her
surroundings to avoid an outbreak of poison ivy (she has it pretty bad right
now). It is not enough to know WHAT they
stand for. We must know that they WILL
stand. And “We the people” must demand
that the hold the ground on our behalf once we have elected them to office.
This Fourth of July, our town will have no parade. We will have no fireworks. We will have no celebration of Independence
and the birth of this great nation that was founded on FREEDOM. This is unacceptable in this canine’s eyes
and something that I cannot permit to happen again. Regardless of what day of the week it falls
on, or who might be offended (they are free to leave if they don’t like it
here) the birth of America should be celebrated!